💎- Custom Dino Levels 💎- Casino 💎- Wall n Floor 💎- Nevermore Taxidermy 💎- RR-Seahorses 💎- Brachiosaurus 💎- Pelayori Cryo 💎- Gigantoraptor 💎- Arkitect Structures Remastered 💎- Klinger Additional Boats 💎- Element & Tribute Transfers 💎- L...
(RTB) {Now Crossplay}, Custom Dino Levels, Imbue and Upgrade Station, Human_NPCs_ASA, Additional Handheld Lights, BBS - BL8NT's Beastly Starvation, Gaia: Glider, Additional Munitions, Additions Ascended: Deinotherium, Colossuscorpius, Project Anomaly - ...
• Official Player and Dino Stats, 3x weight • 150 Max Wild Dino Level • No tribe limit • Mods: Automated Ark, Ark Additions, Custom dino levels, Cryos, Auto farm, and super spyglass(Only available on Steam server for now) • Discord: ...
✨Carefully picked QoL mods enhance your experience, including; stacking, super structures, utilities+, custom dino levels and the upgrade station! More mods may be added as they are released. ⬆️All wild dinos spawn at maximum level (150). This means no more wasted time looking for th...
Added a commandline to allow players to adjust dino level cap (currently defaults to 450 on official servers and disabled on unofficial servers). Unofficials can use -DestroyTamesOverLevel=X Club Ark Update Added 4 New Mini-Games "Duck Duck Jump" Mini-game "Ray Race" ...
Ark Undead Ascended is a great server with mods, amazing and helpful staff, cross-platform and an easy to navigate discord for all the information you need. This server even has been running since survivor evolved! The discord is: https://discord.gg/msz2
Added a commandline to allow players to adjust dino level cap (currently defaults to 450 on official servers and disabled on unofficial servers). Unofficials can use -DestroyTamesOverLevel=X Club Ark Update Added 4 New Mini-Games "Duck Duck Jump" Mini-game ...
A Tek-level Forge that runs on Element Spotlight A highly adjustable spotlight with a paintable front surface for custom designs, allowing players to create personalized signals and aim it in any direction Tesla Coil A defensive structure that shoots arcing electricity, chaining sh...
Fixed a server crash that could occur when putting a dino into a cryopod Fixed a server crash that could occur when doing whistle commands Fixed a couple other crashes in low level systems v43.14 - 05/22/2024 - Minor version for servers ...
Fixed a server crash that could occur when putting a dino into a cryopod Fixed a server crash that could occur when doing whistle commands Fixed a couple other crashes in low level systems v43.14 - 05/22/2024 - Minor version for servers ...