AS400 DB2链接使用Ole DB方式 OptionExplicit DimcnnAsNewADODB.Connection DimcmdAsNewADODB.Command PrivateSubDbConnection() '连接数据库 OnErrorGoToerro Ifcnn.State=0Then 'ForceTranslate要指明为0,否者字符以十六进制显示 cnn.ConnectionString="Provider=IBMDASQL.DataSource.1;Password=;Persist...
<add key="iConnectionString"value="DataSource=MyMachine;UserID=TheUser;Password=ThePassword;Naming=...
Data.DB2.iSeries; using System.Data.Common; string connectionString = "DataSource=AS400_IP_ADDRESS;UserID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;DefaultCollection=LIBRARY_NAME;"; using (iDB2Connection connection = new iDB2Connection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM TABLE_... All Implemented Interfaces: java.sql.Connection, java.sql.Wrapper public class AS400JDBCConnection extends java.lang.Object implements java.sql.Connection The AS400JDBCConnection class provides a JDBC connection to a specific DB2 for IBM i database. Use Dr...
Function ConnectionAs400(serverName As String, userid As String, password As String, ccsid As Long, libl As String) As Object '创建ADODB AS400连接 Dim conn As ObjectOn Error GoTo ErrorConnHandler Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider = "IBMDA400"...
5. Connection progress; You will be prompted for the user/password to connect to the iSeries/AS400. 6. Choose the database You want to migrate 7. etc. That's all!!! Subject Written By Posted Migration of DB2/AS400 to mysql fails ...
/** *// param args / public static void main(String[] args){ // String driver = "";// driver = "";// String url = "jdbc:db2://";String userName = "UFIDA";String pa...
IBM I (AS400) DB2 Queries - Execute DB2 on AS400 queries Operation ID: AS400Db2Queries Perform HTTP request to User's API Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select Project project True string Select Project Select Method method True string Select Method Dynamic Schema body True...
Private Sub ADO_DB2_Click() Dim ConnStr As String Dim Sqlstr As String Dim UserID As String Dim Password As String Dim AdoConn As New ADODB.Connection 'ADO连接类型 Dim AdoRst As New ADODB.Recordset UserID = "wxc" 'as400 用户对数据库要有权限 Password = "wxc" 'ConnStr = "dsn=" ...
() AS400JDBCDataSource AS400JDBCDataSource(StringserverName) serverName AS400JDBCDataSourceString AS400JDBCDataSource(StringString