1.以管理员权限打开db2运行:(以下xxx部分和666需要替代) db2 uncatalog node 节点名 db2 uncatalog db DB名 第一次执行上两句会出"不存在"的错误,无视即可。 执行catalog: db2 catalog tcpip node 节点名 remote xxx.xxxx.com server 6666 db2 catalog ...将...
Add Oracle Providers under Linked Servers(Server Objects) in MS Sql Server Mgmt Studio Adding a linked server with alias adding a where clause makes query extremely slow. Adding column in middle of the Table After rename a database - cannot connect as administrator Alert for CPU in SQL server...
1 AS400 / DB2 cross-library query problem 1 Selecting from DB2 gives [SQL0501] Cursor CRSR0001 not open 2 Error trying to Select x rows from DB2 (V4R5M0) via sql server linked server using OPENQUERY 0 Performance hit on DB2 transactional database after linking to SQL S...
Connecting DB2 USING SSIS Connecting to a "Microsoft SQL Server Query File" connecting to Sybase from Sqlserver SSIS. Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "" failed with the following error: "Class not registered". Connecting to the Integration Services service on the comp...
Hello everyone, can anyone tell me how to create a linked table to a DB2 (AS400) database using SQL. And please don't tell me to look at the BOL, because that's why I'm posting here. Thanks. Sort by date Sort by votes Jun 11, 2003 #2 ClaireHCM IS-IT--Management Mar 26...
ASPRunner.NET also comes with built-in web server as well which is perfect for local testing Supported databases: MySQL Oracle SQLite MariaDB Microsoft Access (Windows-based Web server only) Any ODBC-enabled database Microsoft SQL Server DB2/iSeries(AS400) PostgreSQL Informix Sign...
ASPRunner.NET also comes with built-in web server as well which is perfect for local testing Supported databases: MySQL Oracle SQLite MariaDB Microsoft Access (Windows-based Web server only) Any ODBC-enabled database Microsoft SQL Server DB2/iSeries(AS400) PostgreSQL Informix Sign...
Please start any new threads on our new site at . We've got lots of great SQL Server experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. All Forums SQL Server 2005 Forums SQL Server Administration (2005) Linked server returning garbage for special charac...
I am building a VB.NET WinForms application in VS2013. The program is using a SQL Server 2012 database that is local to the deployed application - both on...
--配置SQLSERVER数据库的DBLINK exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='WAS_SMS',@srvproduct='',@provider='SQLOLEDB',@datasrc='' exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'WAS_SMS','false', NULL,'CustomSMS','SqlGdn@InfoxMas2008' select top 100 * from AS400.AS400_ExtraKTV...