1.没有权限进入distribution directory wrklnk 'QDLS\' >User not enrolled in system distribution directory. Selection or command ===> ADDDIRE USRID(USERID SYSNAME) USRD(DESCRIPTION) USER(USRPROFILE) F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel User ID and address already exists in the system distri...
6 )Remote command/program call server·Remote command/program call server 能够让客户端的用户或应用程序执行OS/400 上的CL 命令或调用OS/400 上的程序。·与Remote command/program call server 相关的OS/400 程序名:Remote command/program call server 对应的程序名 程序名 库名 描述 QZRCSRVS QSYS Server ...
Welcome toGo4AS400 Free AS/400 tutorial A programming guide to learn as400 with well managed as400 content. AS/400 Videos A series of RPG videos along with video consulation service to learn as400 programming. AS/400 BOOK STORE Launch of AS400 bookstore where you can find IBM i/ AS400...
CLRPFM clrpfm GJDWDTA/ltqsjb 1.6、如何在两台服务器之间传递数据 例如将810机器上的gjgrdta库中sbgqcb中的数据传送到270机器上的gjdwdta库中的sbgqcb中:在810机器上执⾏如下操作:1)CHGDDMF-> F4:DDM FILE 项填写:TESTDDM LIBRARY填写:QGPL Remote file:File 处填写SBGQCB Library填写GJDWDTA ...
CL Program DMPDLO Dump Document Library Object DMPJOB Dump Job DMPJOBINT Dump Job Internal DMPOBJ Dump Object DMPSYSOBJ Dump System Object DMPTAP Dump Tape DMPTRC Dump Trace DO Do Group DSCJOB Disconnect Job DSPACC Display Access Code DSPACCAUT Display Access Code Authority DSPACCGRP Display...
as400 所有命令 AS/400 COMMAND FUNCTION ADDAJE Add Auto Start Job Entry ADDALRACNE Add Alert Action Entry ADDALRD Add Alert Description ADDALRSLTE Add Alert Selection Entry ADDASCJOB Add ASYNC Job ADDAUTLE Add Authorization List Entry ADDBKP Add Break Point ADDBNDDIRE Add Binding Directory Ent...
c)多模光纤网络: 2公里——最大网段长度 500个节点 100米 200公里——最大环网长度 19 上海天目东路228 号 铁联大厦9F TEL: 021FAX: 021 上海申铁信息技术开发公司 技术部 d)用户终端———AS/400A———AS/400B 用户可以直接通过A控制B的逻辑连接——显示站连通DSPT 可以用CL语言的 STRPASTHR命令启动...
CMDCDE Code Commands CMDCFG Configuration Commands CMDCFGL Configuration List Commands CMDCFGLE Config List Entry Commands CMDCGY Category Commands CMDCHG Change Commands CMDCHK Check Commands CMDCHT Chart Commands CMDCICS CICS/400 Commands CMDCL CL Commands CMDCLD C Locale Description Commands CMDCLG...
Another idea sprung to mind, I could use theOUTPUT_QUEUE_ENTRIES_BASICSQL Viewto select the spool files I want to delete, and do the deleting in the same statement using the appropriate CL command in theQCMDEXCScalar function. I am sure some of you are wondering why I pickedOUTPUT_QUEUE_...