AS 2124a:1992合同的一般条件(AS 2124 992)'附录A部分 General conditions of contract (AS 2124—1992)—Annexure Part A 作废首页 标准 AS 2124a:1992 发布历史 AS 2124a:1992 发布历史AS 2124a:1992AS 2124a:1992 发布历史 AS 2124a:1992由澳大利亚标准协会 AU-SA 发布于 1992-01-01。AS 2124a:1992...
Annexure Part A to AS 2124-1978, General conditions of contract 被代替 AS 2124 A:1978 发布历史AS 2124 A:1978 标准号 AS 2124 A:1978 1978年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 AS 2124 B:1978 当前最新 AS 2124:1992/Amdt 1:2000 AS 2124 B:1978AS2124-1978附件B部分合同一般条件AS 2124/A:1992(Reference...
General conditions of contract (AS 2124-1992) - User guidedoi:SAA HB42-1992对AS 2124-1992中的条款进行解释,以帮助用户管理合同.解释就在文本对面的几页上.本手册包括AS 2124-1992的完整副本.本手册的附件包括AS 2124-1992规定的最常见或反复出现的通知示例.与建筑业工程服务集团联合出版....
General conditions of contract (AS 2124-1992) - Annexure Part A谱 关系 历史说明: 此图仅显示与当前标准最近的5级引用; 鼠标放置在图上可以看到标题编号; 此图可以通过鼠标滚轮放大或者缩小; 表示标准的节点,可以拖动; 绿色表示标准:AS 2124/A-1992 , 绿色、红色表示本平台存在此标准,您可以下载或者购买,...
General conditions of contract (AS 2124-1992) together with General conditions of tendering and form of tender (AS 2125-1992) Form of formal instrument of agreement (AS 2127-1992)doi:AS 2124+2125+2127-1992请注意:本产品仅供内部参考.包括一套适用于各种土木工程,建筑,电气和机械工程以及其他类型的...
Standards Australia
Annexure A to AS 2124 General conditions of contractStandards Australia
A New Australian Standard (AS 11000) to Replace the General Conditions of Contract (AS 4000 and AS 2124)LithographyPhotoresist processingScannersAs the industry transitions to the 45 nm node and beyond, requirements for critical dimension (CD) control are getting extremely ag...
Annexure C to AS 2124 General conditions of contract 被代替 标准号 AS 2124 C:1981 1981年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 AS 2124:1981 当前最新 AS 2124:1992/Amdt 1:2000 AS 2124 B:1981AS2124合同一般条件附录BAS 2124a:1992合同的一般条件(AS2124992)'附录A部分AS 2124 A:1981AS2124合同一般条款附件AAS ...
AS 2124-1978 合同一般条件的附件 C 部分(添加、修改和删除) Annexure Part C (Additions, amendments and deletions) to AS 2124-1978, General conditions of contract 被代替 标准号 AS 2124 C:1978 1978年 发布单位 SCC 替代标准 AS 2124:1978