General Terms and Conditions of Contract 合同通用条款和条件 for the purchase of systems, equipment and components 用于系统、设备及部件的采购 Version: 04/2016 版本: 04/2016 报价:承包商在其报价中应当严格遵守我方招标文件/询价文件中所 1. Area of Application 规定的有关待交付货物的数量和状况方面的详...
4.3 Licence Conditions. Except to the extent expressly permitted under this Agreement, Customer agrees as a condition of the licenses that it must not: (A) use the Products and Services (1) in violation of any applicable law or regulation, or in connection with unlawful material (such as ...
香港特别行政区政府土建工程一般合同条件 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS - Hong Kong.pdf,( P P r r i i n n t t e e d d o b n y p t a h p e e r P m r i a n d t e i f n r g o m D e w p o a o r d t $ p m 2 u e 0 l ...
General Terms and Conditions constitute part two of a sales contract. Special Provisions negotiated and agreed between buyer and seller form part one.
5.3 For each product return, customer shall obtain an RMA number (Goods Return Authorization number) from ELATEC, which is to be indicated on the package in the case of returning.6. Conditions of Payment 6.1 In general, ELATEC will issue invoices together with the delivery of the Goods or ...
This Specification has been written so that it may be used with a range of procurement methods and Conditions of Contract. The title ‘Engineer’ has been used throughout this Specification as the accountable party who is empowered to make decisions on design and technical matters and variations,...
Confirmation of order, Seller's General Terms and Conditions 3.1. Upon confirmation of an order, these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase become part of the corresponding contract. 3.2. An order is accepted by the Seller's order confirmation. Article 2 applies...
(a) Any specific long-term or one-off contract or agreement governing the provision of services/products or other collaborations (the "Contract"); (b) These General Terms and Conditions; (c) Purchase Order; and (d) Other documents (if necessary) (e.g., Work Order/Statement of Work). ...
2. APPLICATION 适用 2.1 The ABB GTC govern the Contract. "ABB GTC"适用于合同. 2.2 No terms or conditions delivered with or contained in Supplier's quotations, acknowledgements, acceptances, specifications or similar documents will form part of the Contract, and Supplier waives any right which it...
Scope of application and general terms 1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (hereinafter, “GTCP”), issued by Nice S.p.A., govern all purchase contracts for