Standard Australian(SA),1999年改名为现名澳大利亚标准国际有限公司(SAI,STANDARDS AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED)SAI是非政府组织,它与联邦政府签署备忘录认定(SAI)是澳大利亚最高的标准化机构,满足国家对先进的、与国际上保持一致的相关服务的需求,提高国家经济效率,代表澳大利亚参加国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会...
解析:协会名称: AS 中文名称: 澳大利亚国家标准 英文名称: Standard Australian 简介: 澳大利亚标准国际有限公司(SAI)成立于1922年,1988年又改名为澳大利亚标准学会,Standard Australian(SA),1999年改名为现名澳大利亚标准国际有限公司(SAI,STANDARDS AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED)SAI是非 *** 组织,...
AS 1210—2010 Australian Standard ® Pressure vessels AS 1210—2010 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 4 p. Heart rate response of firefighters to actual emergenciesimplications for cardiorespiratory fit-ness 9 p. Work of breathing is increased duringexercise with the self-contained breathing...
StandardasmodifiedbythisAppendix.L2MATERIALSL2.1GeneralMaterialsshall complywiththerequirementsofSection2withthefollowingadditions.L2.2Material specificationsMaterialusedforpressurepartsorpartsattachedtopressurepartsof cold-stretchedvesselsshallberestrictedtooneofthetypesofausteniticstainlesssteels ...
equivalentStandard,e.g.ISO9328-7. Onlygradeswhichareproventobemetallurgicallystableattheintendedservice temperaturesarepermittede.g.ASTMA240Types304,304L,304LN,316,316L,316LN, 317L,321,347forusebetween−196°Cand+400°C.Forothersteeltypesorlower ...
AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/1, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 20...
used for pressure parts or parts attached to pressure parts of cold-stretched vessels shall be restricted to one of the types of austenitic stainless steels listed in AS 1210 or an equivalent Standard, e.g. ISO 9328-7. Only grades which are proven to be metallurgically stable at the ...
AS1210C--奥莱尔蓄能器.pdf,Accumulator high pressure bladder type R� conform to AS 1210 Standard Range AS 1210 R� OLAER GROUP Oiltech Sweden Oiltech Norway Oiltech Finland Olaer Holland Olaer Belgium Olaer Germany Fawcett Christie UK Olaer Poland Ol
ARGOSystems (ARGO), the Army Primary Standards Laboratory (APSL), and the Navy Primary Standards Laboratory (NPSL) performed a round robin intercomparison of an ARGOSystems AS1210 RF Power Standard (AS1210) during 1992. This experiment was performed at 1.25 MHz and 30 MHz over the +4 to -...
澳大利亚标准AS1210 - Supp2 S.S for Vessels.pdf,AS 1210 Supp2—1999 AS 1210 Supplement 2—1999 Pressure vessels—Cold-stretched austenitic stainless steel vessels (Supplement to AS 1210—1997) This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/1, Press