解析:协会名称: AS 中文名称: 澳大利亚国家标准 英文名称: Standard Australian 简介: 澳大利亚标准国际有限公司(SAI)成立于1922年,1988年又改名为澳大利亚标准学会,Standard Australian(SA),1999年改名为现名澳大利亚标准国际有限公司(SAI,STANDARDS AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED)SAI是非 *** 组织,...
AS 1210—2010 Australian Standard ® Pressure vessels AS 1210—2010 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 4 p. Heart rate response of firefighters to actual emergenciesimplications for cardiorespiratory fit-ness 9 p. Work of breathing is increased duringexercise with the self-contained breathing...
AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/1, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 20...
AS 1210-1997 下载积分: 600 内容提示: AS 1210—1997(Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3)Australian Standard ™Pressure vesselsAS 1210 文档格式:PDF | 页数:344 | 浏览次数:113 | 上传日期:2018-10-24 13:10:14 | 文档星级: AS 1210—1997(Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3)...
as 1210 supp21999 as 1210 supplement 21999 pressure vesselscold-stretched austenitic stainless steel vessels (supplement to as 12101997) accessed by university of south australia on 03 dec 2008 this australian standard was prepared by committee me/1, pressure equipment. it was approved on behalf of...
AS 1627.2-2002 Australian Standard Metalfinishing—Preparation surfaces Part 2 Powertool cleaningdsri2018-1-2201515dsri2018-1-22 AS 1627.1-2003 Australian Standard Metal finishing—Preparationdsri2018-1-2201404dsri2018-1-22 AS 1627.0-1997 Metal finishing—Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces Part0...
AS 1210 Pressure VesselsManagement, Risk
AS3533.1-2009 国外国际规范.pdf,AS 3533.1—2009 A S 3 5 3 3 . 1 — 2 0 0 9 Australian Standard® Amusement rides and devices Part 1: Design and construction 9 0 0 2 g u A 7 2 n o A I L A R T S U A H T U O S F O Y T I S R E V I N U y b d e s s...
AustralianStandard Wroughtalloysteels—Stainlessandheat-resistingsteelplate, sheetandstrip [DefenceTitleallocatedbyCodificationandStandardisationAuthority:METALPLATE,SHEET,STRIP(STAINLESSANDHEATRESISTINGSTEELINCOILSANDCUTLENGTHS NATOSupplyclassification9515] ThisAustralianStandardwaspreparedbyCommitteeMT/1,IronandSteel....