"물러나", "떨어져" would be appropriate. Gin_Haruda 2023年8月5日 韩语 And I think your native language is set to Japanese, but if your native language is English, I think it would be easier to get an answer if you change your native language in the setting. ...
aPersonally, the desire to be a government official is beyond reproach, as the nation and the people do need an injection of new blood into the civil service sectors. The fresh-faced college graduates, armed with lofty ideals, new vision, and www.zhlzw.com drive, are undoubtedly among the...
In a market economy, with different colors of packaging design play a role. Packaging Design is a modern marketing strategies of an important factor, it is considered to be products of the marketing strategy in a initial strategy. Packaging as a promotional tool for your business marketing is ...
Language is the bearer of culture, language and culture of reaction to a mirror. In short, in the Chinese culture, whether it be material or spiritual, seems to have been able to eat even invisible and intangible wind can also be eaten as is often said, "drink the northwesterly wind",...
cf) 오다 + 종결 어미 ‘-아 → 오아(x, not used) → 와 cf) 감다 + 종결 어미 ‘-아 → 감아 → (x, no abbreviation)* X is not very necessary to be inserted according to the context.(As A is worried/Being worried) that some one would/might say...
I don't think there is an equivalent to 照れる here. My translation attempt would be "Oh wow, that's an embarrassing question to answer." My translation of 照れる in response to a compliment would be "Stop, you're embarrassing me!" said in a playful tone
@ganjaboysoonThank you so much, but why isn't it '어린 시종'? Cause, at first glance I really thought it would be a child😅 think
형식적으로는 사용할 수 있겠으나 오붓하다는 로맨틱한 느낌이 강하게 있어서 추천하지 않습니다
포르투갈어(브라질) 영어(미국) 영어(미국)관련 질문 "Girls sticking their heads out the sunroof" What does Stick out mean?Is it the same as putting my head out or getting my head out?? MinatoAri ...