Portable Indian languages transliteration software Azhagi+ (அழகி+), with an extraordinary Tamil fonts converter. Android version exists too (with voice recognition). Transliterate or type in Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam,
TAMIL— Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType Representa el valor Unicode para el dígito cero del conjunto de dígitos Tamil. tan(angleRadians:Number)— Método estático , clase Math Calcula y devuelve la tangente del ángulo especificado. tapLocalX— Propi...
asjeah Telugu te Asjeah Turkish tr அஸ்ஜியா Tamil ta Asjeah Vietnamese vi Asjeah Tagalog tl 아스제아 Korean ko Asjeah Hausa ha Asjeah Swahili sw Asjeah Javanese jv Asjeah Italian it asjeah Punjabi pa asjeah Gujarati gu อาสเจ Thai th ಅಸ್...
Shri or Sri is a Sanskrit word, not a Hindi word.Sri is common to all Indian languages. It is good to see the names of holy places commencing with 'Thiru'. Out of the box - What is your explanation to the Tamil words "Thirudan' 'Thirudi' means thief. Are they...
Kaveree Bamzai
Number 13, Vietnamese is spoken by 67 million and Telugu is spoken by 66 million. Next, we have Marathi on the list and it has 64 million speakers. Marathi is followed by Tamil, with 63 million speakers. Next comes Turkish, the language spoken in Turkey, and it has 59 million ...
where I was talking a friend off the ledge on my phone, another on private messaging, and two members of my own family in the house, all at the same time. This is not something you do to a depressive, btw. Force her to come up with and invent “upsides” to keep others from com...
Portable Indian languages transliteration software Azhagi+ (அழகி+), with an extraordinary Tamil fonts converter. Android version exists too (with voice recognition). Transliterate or type in Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam,
అసానంద Telugu te Asananda Turkish tr ஆசனந்தா Tamil ta Asananda Vietnamese vi Asananda Tagalog tl 아사난다 Korean ko Asananda Hausa ha Asananda Swahili sw Asananda Javanese jv Asananda Italian it ਅਸਾਨੰਦ Punjabi pa આસનં...
TAMIL— 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType 代表坦米爾文位數組中,數字零的 unicode 值。 tan(angleRadians:Number)— 靜態方法 , 類別 Math 會計算及傳回指定之角度的正切值。 tapLocalX— 屬性, 類別 flash.events.PressAndTapGestureEvent 相對於包含的互動式物件,事件發生的水平座標。