TELUGU— Propriedade estática da constante, classe flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType Representa o valor de Unicode para o dígito zero do conjunto de dígitos Telugu. template— Estado da capa, classe The skin state when the componen...
Another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to work independently in some area of interest and later make a presentation that summarizes what her or she has learned. Usually each student then goes on to write ...
TELUGU— 常數靜態屬性, 類別 flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType 代表特拉古文位數組中,數字零的 unicode 值。 template— 外觀狀態, 類別 The skin state when the component is displaying a stage template. Publish checkbox and creation date ...
TELUGU— Propiedad estática de constante, clase flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType Representa el valor Unicode para el dígito cero del conjunto de dígitos Telugu. template— Estado del aspecto, clase The skin state when the component...
The TextBlock containing this text line, or null if the validity of the line is TextLineValidity.STATIC, meaning that the connection between the line and the TextBlock has been severed. TextBlock— final class, package flash.text.engine The TextBlock class is a factory for the creation of ...
The TextBlock containing this text line, or null if the validity of the line is TextLineValidity.STATIC, meaning that the connection between the line and the TextBlock has been severed. TextBlock— final class, package flash.text.engine The TextBlock class is a factory for the creation of ...
TELUGU— Statisk egenskap för konstant, klass flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType Representerar Unicode-värdet för siffran noll i Telugu-sifferuppsättningen. template— Skalläge, klass The skin state when the component is ...
Pathak quotes a commentary of the Ādipurāṇa (XXX, 35) which explains trairājya as meaning “Choḷa, Kerala and Pāṇḍya”. The Pārttivacēkarapuram śālā grant of 866 CE specifies that the students of the śālā should be learned in trairājya vyavahāra., i.e., ...