这句话直译成汉语的意思是 “像帽匠一样疯狂”,在口语中被用来形容人 “性格古怪”。据说,人们之所以用 “hatter 做帽子的人” 比喻人 “精神不正常、愚蠢”,是因为在过去,很多帽匠因长期暴露在做帽子必需的重金属材料周围而不幸中毒。人们常用 “as mad as a hatt...
hatter 意为“制帽者”,那么发疯了跟帽子有什么关系呢,据说以前硝酸汞被用作制帽时的一种成分,人戴了这种帽子会发抖,有时看起来像个疯子,那时因为接触太多的汞引起的,as mad as a hatter 这个习语用来形容人发疯了,可以意为“发疯,气疯”,寓意:it refers to someone being completely crazy 它指的...
mad as a hatter- Refers to the fact that hat makers suffered mental illness in the old days when they got mercury poisoning from treating fur. madding- In "far from the madding crowd," madding is a poetic survival meaning "wild, furious, raving, mad." ...
as mad as a hatter adv.疯狂地 (as) mad as a hatter 与hatter一词相关的短语 Mad as a March hare 狂野;激动 俚语,表示像三月份繁衍期的野兔似的疯狂。 as mad as a March hare ad. 疯狂地 as mad as a march hare adv.疯狂地 have a mad on 发怒,生气,愤愤不平 be as mad as a ...
As mad as a hatter 疯疯癫癫 摘要:这句话直译成汉语的意思是 “像帽匠一样疯狂”,在口语中被用来形容人 “性格古怪”。据说,人们之所以用 “hatter 做帽子的人” 比喻人 “精神不正常、愚蠢”,是因为在过去,很多帽匠因长期暴露在做帽子必需的重金属材料周围而不幸中毒。人们常用 “as mad as a hatter”...
as mad as a hatter Meaning | Synonyms it refers to someone being completely crazy someone who can’t be understood by the general folk and is considered mad Originally this phrase also referred to someone being annoyed but in the current times it is used to refer to someone as crazy. ...
“mad as a hatter”是一个英语习语,意思是“非常疯狂或行为古怪”。以下是对该习语的详细解释: 一、含义 “mad as a hatter”直接翻译为“像帽匠一样疯狂”。这个习语用于形容某人的行为异常、古怪或精神不正常。它通常带有一种轻松或幽默的语气,用于友好地描述某人的“疯疯颠颠...
mad as a hatter用法 "Mad as a hatter" 是一个英语习语,用于形容一个人的行为异常、疯狂、或者不寻常。这个短语通常暗示一个人可能有一些疯狂或古怪的举止,类似于疯帽匠(Mad Hatter)这个角色,他是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的一个角色,被描述为行为古怪和疯狂。这个表达通常是用来形容某人的举止或行为远离常态,...
as mad as a hatter 极疯狂,狂怒 是一个习惯用语 hatter单独讲是帽子制造者,帽商 as...as 和...一样 mad疯狂 和帽商一样疯狂显然说不通
Meaning:It refers to somebody who is completely crazy and strange. Examples: Owen is as mad as a hatter, but he's my most interesting friend. Owen 疯疯癫癫的,但他是我最好玩的朋友。 These kids are driving me mad as a hatter.