as long as your arm 很长 (inf.) = very long There is a list of repairs as long as your arm. 有一份长得要命的修理单。 巩固练习 语境微写作 1.用上(as) quick as a flash,组织一个微语境,写一个5句左右的三个动作的动作链小语段。 2.以... is as pretty as picture.为首句写一个5句...
Slippery; easily negotiated. The smoothness of this fine fabric was transferred to mean general freedom from hindrances by 1900. O. Henry used the simile in his 1910 storyThe Dream:“Everything goes as smooth as silk.” See also:silk,smooth ...
英语语法 (207) 英语明喻句式 “As” Pattern 为了形象、深刻地描写某一事物,人们常把具有某种共同特征的两种不同事物加以对比,用另一种事物作比喻来说明所要表达的事物,这种对比在修辞学上称为明喻(simile…
常用的修辞手法有:夸张(Exaggeration)、明喻(Simile)、暗喻(Metaphor)、拟人(Personification)、 排比(Parallelism)、头韵(Alliteration)、对比(Contrast)、矛盾(Oxymoron)、双关(Pun)、移情(Empathy)等。下面介绍三种在续写中有效且好用的修辞手法。 一、比喻(Simile) 一种...
You'reas smart as paint, reminding me of Long John when I was young. 你真帅,让我想起了我...
(粗暴) as a bear as happy as a lark/the day is long/a king as hard as flint/marble/a stone/iron/nails as harmless as a dove as heavy as a lead as healthy as the fresh wind as hoarse(嘶哑) as a crow as hot as fire/pepper as hungry as a wolf/a hunter as innocent(天真) ...
给大家准备的是英语关于:新高考读后续写丨常用修辞手法,希望对大家有所帮助。 - 读后续写常用的修辞手法 - Simile 明喻 明喻(simile)俗称直喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似关系而构成的修辞格。 如: ★The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. ...
aEvent Lowlight & Key Learning 事件Lowlight &关键学会[translate] awestside 西边[translate] acase-oriented approach 针对情形的方法[translate] aas long as you are with me i will be very happy 只要你跟我一起我将是很高兴的[translate]
9 Jun 2023·Longxuan Ma,Weinan Zhang,Shuhan Zhou,Churui Sun,Changxin Ke,Ting Liu· A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things (called the tenor and the vehicle) via shared properties. The tenor and the vehicle are usually connected with comparator words such as "like...
6. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. 1) alternative adj. 二中选一的 alternative interests 替换型兴趣,指的是工作之外的兴趣 [译] 替换型的智力兴趣的培养需要一个很长的过程。 7. The seeds must be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; they ...