AS1210KKX7R9BB475 电子元器件 国巨 批次2023+ AS1210KKX7R9BB475 3百万 国巨 -- ¥0.4000元>=100 个 深圳市月星电子有限公司 5年 查看下载 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 AS1210L-2.5/TR-LF 电子元器件 A1SEMI 封装SOT223 批次22+ AS1210L-2.5/TR-LF ...
AS 1210—2010 Australian Standard ® Pressure vessels AS 1210—2010 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 4 p. Heart rate response of firefighters to actual emergenciesimplications for cardiorespiratory fit-ness 9 p. Work of breathing is increased duringexercise with the self-contained breathing...
AS 1210-1989 适用范围 1.1 范围本标准规定了通过焊接、钎焊、铸造、锻造或熔覆方式制造的黑色或有色金属燃烧和未燃烧压力容器的材料、设计、制造、测试、检验、认证和发运的最低要求。衬里,包括压力容器安全和正常运行所需的非整体配件的应用。本标准还规定了非金属容器和带有非金属衬里的金属容器的要求。金属...
VCAS121030H620DP 电子元器件 AVX 封装SMD 批号2022+ VCAS121030H620DP 120000 AVX SMD 2022+ ¥0.8500元100~199 个 ¥0.8000元>=200 个 深圳市华科航电子有限公司 5年 查看下载 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 ASE7S1210 0.35mm间距 0.8mm高 母座 10PIN 岱伟 板对板连接器 ASE7S1210 ...
used for pressure parts or parts attached to pressure parts of cold-stretched vessels shall be restricted to one of the types of austenitic stainless steels listed in AS 1210 or an equivalent Standard, e.g. ISO 9328-7. Only grades which are proven to be metallurgically stable at the ...
霍尼韦尔TK-AUDIO AS-1210PT 十分区寻呼器 产品描述: 1路话筒输入、4个远程分区麦克风输入、1路线路输入、1路紧急输入 功能描述: 1、10个分区寻呼报警功能 2、1路话筒输入、4个远程控麦克风输入、1路线路输入、1路紧急输入。 3、具有四级优先权设计:本机MIC1、钟声提示音为优先级,紧急音频信号(EMC)为级,...
AS 1210 Supp1—1990 Australian Standard Unfired pressure vessels — Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210—1989) This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/1, Boilers and Unfired Pressure Vessels. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 20...
or Standards Australia 369 AS 1210—2010 0.5 R m R mACT where agreed by the designer and the manufacturer. Actual tensile strength RmACT of each item of material used in the vessel as recorded on the material maker’s material test ...