A western dietary pattern during pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence Leveraging four large, longitudinal, prospectively-followed mother–child cohorts, this study shows that a western diet in early–mid-pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders...
A western dietary pattern during pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence Leveraging four large, longitudinal, prospectively-followed mother–child cohorts, this study shows that a western diet in early–mid-pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders ...
We use data from the admissions process from a highly selective private university in Colombia to analyze the impact of prestigious university attendance on the education trajectory and labor market outcomes of individuals. The university´s selection process allows the use of a regression discontinuity...
I make occassional reference to the effects of Western wars in the Middle East on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the UK, but finding excuses for replacement immigration or Muslim rape gangs or Yemeni machete gangs isn’t my primary concern. I specifically cite the kinds of excuses made...
School districts that vote in favor of property tax levies may signal that they are education-oriented. Through Tiebout sorting and housing developer activity, new residents might move to such communities. New retail development may occur near these new residents, and office firms that rely on high...
Flavored-Little-Cigar and Flavored-Cigarette Use Among U.S. Middle and High School Students Brian A. King, Michael A. Tynan, Shanta R. Dube, Rene Arrazola January 2014 Pages 40-46 select article Adolescents' Self-presentation on a Teen Dating Web Site: A Risk-Content Analysis ...
The word “Alcohol” comes from the Arabic “al-kuhl” which means “BODY EATING SPIRIT”, and gives root origins to the English term for “ghoul”. In Middle Eastern folklore, a “ghoul” is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies, either as stolen corpses or as children. ...
and geographic location on the magnitude and direction of this relationship. My analysis shows that, on average, trade liberalization had no impact on child mortality in low- and middle-income countries between 1963 and 2005 (Average effect (AE): −0.15%; 95% CI: −2.04%–2.18%). Yet ...
The middle-aged patient with depression, who finally connects his dissociation and inability to focus, constipation, and recurrent sinus infections to the stress of his childhood-being raised by an alcoholic mother. The 21 year old college student who has diarrhea, difficulty tolerating foods, eczema...
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