This study focused on teachers’ perceptions of the many impacts of a new sustainably designed middle school on students and teachers and explores the use of the school as a learning laboratory. Grades 6-8 teachers participated in open-ended focus group discussions near the end of the first ...
One basic reason might be the pedagogy cycle focusing on grammar translation method (GTM) used during middle and high schools in Iran. The premise of the traditional approach was to foster reading and writing skills in learning EFL so that students would be able to read the literature in the...
The present study has several limitations. First, we recruited the majority of the women from an online telephone directory that listed only landline telephone numbers. Thus, findings from the study might be limited to middle- and old-aged women [58]. This may have caused in part the differe...
For commercial reuse, contact Childhood adversity as the harbinger for future affective disorders and health problemsTrevor ArcherPulsus GroupArcher T. Childhood adversity as the harbinger for future affective disorders and health problems. J Child Psychol. 2017;...