Discover what a partitive article is in French. See a list of partitive articles in French, such as des, de l', and de la, and examples of their...
IN FRONT OF A VOWEL l' de l' PLURAL les des Note: When you are learning a new vocabulary, learn the gender of each noun by making your vocabulary lists with a definite or indefinite article for each noun, because the articles (as well as adjectives, pronouns, and just about everything...
Whereas partitive articlesdu, de la, de l', desand indefinite articlesun, unebecomedeord'innegative sentences[SeeDu/de la/de l'/des all become de/d' in negative sentences (French Partitive Articles)andUn/une become de/d' in negative sentences in French (French Indefinite Articles)]...
4. There are optional use situations - for these there is guidance, but you need to develop “a feel” by reading and listening to lots of French ! Special cases when you use mon/ma/mes/etc with parts of the body (French Possessive Adjectives) Like23 years ago Share Sign in to submit...
XXIV 3 Buchanan, M.A. Identity and Language in the SM Scene XXIV 3 Coward, Mat Horrible Dictu (column) XXIV 3 Fischer, Henry A Backhanded Pardon (poem) XXIV 3 Wiener, Gary I May Already Be a Wiener XXIV 3 Elkins, Susan A Bestiary of Adjectives ...
A noun can be a subject or an object in a sentence. They are often accompanied by an article and can be described by adjectives. To avoid repetition, nouns can be replaced by pronouns. Examples: Mon chien aime les friandises. (animal) L’amour rend aveugle. (feeling, concept) J’ai ap...
The adjectives an, a, and the, also called articles, are used as follows: A book, an apple, means any book or any apple, and not a particular book or apple. An or a is called the indefinite article ...
We use “the” withnominal adjectives. A nominal adjective is one we use to talk about “all the members of a particular group of people or things”. To make them, we put “the” before the adjective. Here are some examples: The Englishlike to eat cucumber sandwiches. ...
invariant pre-nomi-nal article in English (the), to the definite articles in French, which inflect for gen-der (le, la) and number (le, les) and to the definite articles in German, which in-flect for gender (der, die, das), number (die) and case (der, des, dem, den and so ...
in adjectives comparative & superlative forms eg. Could you tell me the shortest 8、way to the airport? Tom seems to be as tall as Dick; actually, Tom is the taller of the two. to be used for emphasiseg. This is the / the word to be used here. Johnson is the / the man for ...