Zambia is governed under the constitution of 1991 as amended. The president, who is both head of state and head of government, is popularly elected for a five-year term and is eligible for a second term. The unicameral legislature consists of the 158-seat National Assembly; 150 members are...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is governed under the constitution of 2006 as amended. The president, who is the head of state, is popularly elected and may serve two five-year terms. There is a bicameral legislature. The National Assembly has 500 members, who serve five-year terms; ...
Clarke, Yaliwe
This article contributes to the understanding of the role of religion in the public and political controversies about homosexuality in Africa. As a case study it investigates the heated public debate in Zambia following a February 2012 visit by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who emph...
[7] Zambia Daily Mail, June 21, 1968, at 1. [8] National Mirror, June 9-15, 1996, at 8-9. [9] 赞比亚国会网,赞比亚宪法全文,,2010年12月8日最后访问。 [10] C. Anyangwe, The Zambian Constitution and the Principles of Constitu...
;CONSTITUTION: To feed small articles, a motor 7 is driven with an intermediate tube 14 located in a vertical passage by actuation of the cylinder 18 of a switch mechanism 13, so that an electromagnet 6 is lowered along the vertical passage via a chain 4 to a position at which the ...
5日 墨西哥宪法日---Constitution Day (MEXICO) 6日 新西兰国庆日---Waitangi Day (NEW ZEALAND) 7日 格林纳达独破日---Independence Day (GRENADA) 11日 日本建国日---National Founding Day (JAPAN) 伊朗伊斯兰革命胜利日---Anniversay of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution (IRAN...
6月2日 意大利 共和国成立日 Italy Foundation of the Republic 5日 丹麦 宪法日 Denmark Constitution Day 6日 瑞典 国庆日 Sweden National Day 10日 葡萄牙 国庆日 Portugal National Day 六月第二个星期六 英国 伊丽莎白女王生日 United Kingdom Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ...
6月2日 意大利 共和国成立日 Italy Foundation of the Republic 5日 丹麦 宪法日 Denmark Constitution Day 6日 瑞典 国庆日 Sweden National Day 10日 葡萄牙 国庆日 Portugal National Day 六月第二个星期六 英国 伊丽莎白女王生日 United Kingdom Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ...
The constitution contains an extensive bill of rights and provides for an independent judiciary; the Constitutional Court is the highest court of appeal. The leading political parties are the African National Congress, the predominantly white Democratic Alliance, and the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom ...