New Constitution, New Rumbles: For over Four Years Now, Zambians Have Been Embroiled in a Protracted Marathon to Adopt the Country's Fifth Constitution in Just over 40 Years of Independence. the Dispute Is Not over Whether the Country Needs a New Constitution, but How to Have It. Reginald...
Africa Confidential reported that ZESCO, the Zambian state electricity company, was in talks with a Chinese company concerning a takeover of the utility, raising concerns about national sovereignty and Chinese ownership of key components of the country's infrastructure. Africa News, 15 September 2018...
Locating Place Naming in the Zambian ConstitutionKhama Hang'ombe
Under such an interpretation, a Zambian court could seek the answer to a legal question not covered by legislation either in previous judicial decisions or from the other sources that are permitted to have influence under the common law method. However, if that method provedflexibleenough to ...
the Zambian government to sign a $1.5 billion underwriting agreement with Glencore to pay for 10 per cent of copper production over the next 10 to 17 years, depending on international copper prices. The Zambian government had previously clashed with Glencore over the operation of the Mopani ...
I further wish to warmly thank Collins Chansa, Virginia Simushi, Brivine Sikapande, Dr Yusuf Ahmed, Dr Mabvuto Zulu, Dr Bellington Vwalika, and Dr Mary Nambao for facilitating the study and sharing their views and expertise, as well as the Zambian Ministry of Health and the Mansa ...
The Chinese infrastructural fix in Africa: Lessons from the Sino-Zambian ‘road bonanza’ Oxford Development Studies, 50 (1) (2022), pp. 14-29 Crossref View in Scopus Google Scholar Cited by (0) Recommended articles cannot be displayed at this time. ...
For example, research by the Constitution Unit in the UK highlighted that 40% of select committee recommendations were accepted by the government and roughly the same proportion were implemented, but this still left a significant number confined to the dustbin. The case studies in general show a ...
The JMBG parliamentary stalemate was symptomatic of larger political problems, which stem both from the nationalist wars and the awkward consociational arrangements that grew out the Dayton Accords, whose Annex IV today doubles as the country’s constitution. Dayton is a paradoxical document—a top-...
The dispute was between two Zambian companies, and arose out of mining contracts governed by Zambian law and providing for LCIA arbitration in London. Konkola obtained ex parte injunctive relief from the Zambian court under Zambia's Arbitration Act, asserting that it intended to protect its ...