滋养节杆菌SHBCC D50024=ATCC 13346 =CIP 102362 =DSM 20545 =JCM 11606 =LMG 16255 =NRRL B-1814 拉丁名 Arthrobacter pascens 模式菌株 模式菌株 主要用途 具体用途 模式菌株 生物危害程度 四类 培养基名称 营养肉汁琼脂 培养基成分 蛋白胨10.0g牛肉侵出物3.0gNaCl5.0g琼脂15.0g 蒸馏水 1.0LpH 7.0 培养...
DSM20545标准菌株价格2500元,DSM20545菌种抗性无抗,DSM20545是,Arthrobacter pascens,滋养节杆菌,用于药物敏感性测试、药物研究。DSM20545菌株的购买价格、培养基、培养条件、菌种特征等具体信息见下文!
ATCC菌种购买 滋养节杆菌,Arthrobacter pascens 价格: ¥1250 编号:BNCC137219 形态:大小:1-2mm 形状:圆形 边缘:整齐 透明度:不透明 颜色:浅黄色 隆起度:中间凸起 表面:明亮光滑 质地:湿润粘稠 滋养节杆菌基本信息 培养基 营养肉汁培养基(NA/NB):牛肉膏 3.0g,蛋白胨 10.0g,NaCl 5.0g,琼脂 20.0g(液体培养基...
英文: Purification and Characteristics of Mn-SOD from Halophilic Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12 中文: 耐盐节杆菌Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12中Mn-SOD的纯化及性质 更详细... 英文: Cloning and expression of manganese-superoxide dismutase gene from Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12 中文: 节杆菌A·pascens DMDC...
The present invention provides a nourishing Arthrobacter Ar13 (Arthrobacter pascens) and as a plant rhizosphere PGPR applications. 本发明的菌株Ar13保藏编号为CGMCC No.5853,该菌株及含有该菌株的菌剂具有促生防病的效果,能够促进作物的生长和产量提高,对平板,温室小麦纹枯病的防治效果分别为94.20%,46.60%;与...
关键词 :耐盐节杆菌;Mn-SOD;纯化;性质 中图分类号:Q814.1 文献标识码 :A PurificationandCharacteristicsofMn-SOD from HalophilicArthrobacterpascensDM DC12 LIU Ni—na , YAO Zhong, YE Yan-hua , FANG M in , HE Bing-fang (1.CollegeofLifeScienceandPharmaceuticalEngineering,NanjingUniversityofTechnology,...
Arthrobacter pascens, Arthrobacter oryzae,Arthrobacterhumicola,Arthrobacter oxydans,Arthrobacterprotophormiae,Arthrobacter sulfureus,Arthrobacter citreus,Arthrobacter agilis,Arthrobacter psychrolactophilus,Arthrobacter pigmenti,Arthrobacter albus/cumminsii, andSinomonas soli(Busse et al., 2012). A chemotaxonomic ...
A general classification can be made based on the 16S rRNA sequence phylogeny data by which Arthrobacter genus has been subdivided into 11 major groups as Arthrobacter aurescens, Arthrobacter globiformis, Arthrobacter pascens, Arthrobacter oryzae, Arthrobacter humicola, Arthrobacter oxydans, Arthrobacter ...
Arthrobacter pascens ZZ21 is a plant-beneficial, fluoranthene-degrading bacterial strain found in the rhizosphere. The production of the phytohormone indole-3-aectic acid (IAA) by ZZ21 is thought to contribute to its ability to promote plant growth and remediate fluoranthene-contaminated soil. Using...
pascens and A. globiformis. This is a cytosolic flavoprotein, hydrogen-peroxide-forming oxidase that oxidizes choline to produce glycine-betaine by a two-step reaction with betaine aldehyde as the intermediate. Betaine acts as a nontoxic osmolyte, highly compatible with metabolic functions at high ...