英文名称: Arthrobacter pascens 菌种又名: 中文名称: 滋养节杆菌 其他收藏编号: ATCC 13346, CCM 1653, NCIB 8910 菌种代号: B89 分离来源: 分离国家: 未知 来源历史: <- CCM <- MRI <- A.G. Lochhead, B89 培养条件: DSM Medium 53 , 30°C 菌种说明: <- CCM <- MRI <- A.G. Lochhe...
滋养节杆菌,Arthrobacter pascens 价格: ¥1250 编号:BNCC137219 形态:大小:1-2mm 形状:圆形 边缘:整齐 透明度:不透明 颜色:浅黄色 隆起度:中间凸起 表面:明亮光滑 质地:湿润粘稠 滋养节杆菌基本信息 培养基 营养肉汁培养基(NA/NB):牛肉膏 3.0g,蛋白胨 10.0g,NaCl 5.0g,琼脂 20.0g(液体培养基不含),蒸馏水...
滋养节杆菌SHBCC D50024=ATCC 13346 =CIP 102362 =DSM 20545 =JCM 11606 =LMG 16255 =NRRL B-1814 拉丁名 Arthrobacter pascens 模式菌株 模式菌株 主要用途 具体用途 模式菌株 生物危害程度 四类 培养基名称 营养肉汁琼脂 培养基成分 蛋白胨10.0g牛肉侵出物3.0gNaCl5.0g琼脂15.0g 蒸馏水 1.0LpH 7.0 培养...
中文: 耐盐节杆菌Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12中Mn-SOD的纯化及性质 更详细... 英文: Cloning and expression of manganese-superoxide dismutase gene from Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12 中文: 节杆菌A·pascens DMDC12锰超氧化物歧化酶基因的克隆和表达 更详细...分享...
(2008)01—0103—06 耐盐节杆菌ArthrobacterpascensDMDC12中 Mn—SOD的纯化及性质 刘妮娜 ,姚忠, 叶艳华 ’ 方民, 何冰芳 ¨ (1.南京工业大学 制药与生命科学学院,江苏 南京 210009;2.无锡 日用化工应用研究所,江苏 无锡 214045) 摘要 :作者从 自行分离的高度耐盐菌ArthrobacterpascensDMDC12中分离提取超氧化物...
Arthrobacter pascens ZZ21 is a plant-beneficial, fluoranthene-degrading bacterial strain found in the rhizosphere. The production of the phytohormone indole-3-aectic acid (IAA) by ZZ21 is thought to contribute to its ability to promote plant growth and remediate fluoranthene-contaminated soil. Using...
Experiments were performed to evaluate IAA production byA. pascensZZ21 under various conditions. The bacteria were cultured in 30 mL liquid mineral medium. To investigate the effects of nematodes on bacterial IAA biosynthesis,C. eleganswas added to the medium at 80 adult worms/mL (based on the...
microorganisms Article Caenorhabditis elegans Extracts Stimulate IAA Biosynthesis in Arthrobacter pascens ZZ21 via the Indole-3-pyruvic Acid Pathway Mengsha Li 1,2,† , Teng Li 1,†, Ming Zhou 1, Mengdi Li 1, Yexin Zhao 1, Jingjing Xu 1, Feng Hu 1,3 and Huixin Li 1,3,* 1 ...