Arterial oxygen content is the sum of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and oxygen carried in physical solution in the blood. From:Equine Anesthesia (Second Edition),2009 About this page Add to MendeleySet alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. ...
CaO2 in mls of oxygen per dL (ml/dL) of blood was calculated using the equation: [SaO2 (%) x haemoglobin (g/dL) X 1.34]/100. Data were analysed using STATA IC v13.1. Results Age and PAVM-treatment associated changes in SaO2 were mostly accompanied by opposing changes in haemoglobin ...
the difference or gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar spaces and the arterial blood: P(A-a)02. Normally in young adults this value is less than 20 mm Hg. See also:alveolar gas equation. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
Mixed venous oxygen content (C v_O2) was derived from CaO2 and peripheral oxygen extraction. End-capillary oxygen content was derived in the customary fashion using the alveolar gas equation.3 The process was repeated for three fixed C(a– v_)O2 values: 22.0, 35.6 and 49.2 ml litre...
The cerebral arterial oxygen saturation, ScaO2 was estimated using an empirically derived formula for estimating oxygen saturation in pulse oximetry from the 'ratio-of-ratios' (enclosed within the parentheses in the equation) [19]: ScaO2 = 110 ! " 25$ # Acard ,R Acard ,IR ADC ,R AD...
F. (2014). Oxygen removal from water versus arterial oxygen delivery: calibrating the Fick equation in Pacific salmon. J Comp Physiol B 184, 855-64.Farrell AP, Eliason EJ, Clark TD, Steinhausen MF (2014) Oxygen removal from water versus arterial oxygen delivery: calibrating the Fick equation...
In this form the ratioRis not a function of the optical path length and can be derived from the arterial oxygen saturation instead of the concentration of the haemoglobins in the blood. Finally,Equation 8can be rewritten in a form whereSpO2is a function of the ratioR: ...
Time-varying intensity of oxygen exposure is associated with mortality in critically ill patients with mechanical ventilation. Crit Care. 2022;26:239. Article Google Scholar Evans L, Rhodes A, Alhazzani W, Antonelli M, Coopersmith CM, French C,...
The purpose of this investigation was to develop a regression equation to predict arterial carbon dioxide tensions (PaCO2) from end-tidal carbon dioxide tensions (PETCO2) during upper body exercise. A secondary purpose was to examine the ability of an existing regression equation developed for lower...
[6]. These regional differences are important in two respects. The first is that simply correcting global parameters, such as mean arterial pressure, to normal values may lead to inadequate oxygen delivery in some tissues. The second is that different possible treatments have different effects on ...