QpQs=(AoO2–MVO2)(PVO2−PAO2)where AoO2= systemic arterial saturation, PAO2 = saturation in the PA, and PVO2 = saturation in the pulmonary veins. CO=VO2(Ca–Cv)where VO2 = (resting) oxygen consumption, Ca = systemic arterial oxygen content, and Cv=mixed venous oxygen content. ...
The effects on pial vessels of variations in the O2 and C 0 2 content of the blood. Arch Neurol Psychiatry Chlcago 23: 1097-1 120 2. Kety SS. Schmidt C F 1948 The effects of altered arterial tensions of carbon dioxide and oxygen on cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen consumption ...
We also found that a similar increase in the acetylation profile was present in mitochondria from Sirt3WT-PASMCs exposed to either moderate (4% O2) or severe (1% O2) hypoxia. Exposure to hypoxia also caused a decrease in SIRT3 protein levels. A similar decrease in SIRT3 levels has been ...
In an animal study, small micro-hemorrhages were observed around the catheter tip that could cause falsely low PbtO2 readings [13]. An in vitro study showed PO2 values of 0.93 ± 0.19 kPa in zero oxygen solution, suggesting that PbtO2 values may be overestimated when they are at critic...
diu+1 + did + did (14) Therefore, the two-way arterial signal coordination control model [21] (M.1) is estab- lished as n ∑min (D) = min o1,2,o2,3,··· ,on−1,n o1,2,o2,3,··· ,on−1,n i=1 diu+1 + diu+1 + did + did (15) subject to (5)–(13)....
The myography wells were filled with 36.5 ◦C Krebs-Ringer solution and gas was constantly added for oxygenation and buffering (95%/5% O2/CO2, giving a pH of 7.4). The myograph was calibrated and the mounted vessels stretched to a passive tension, 2–3 mN (CCA) and 3–4 mN (...