arterial and venous duplex scanningnoninvasive vascular laboratory and vascular surgerymodern vascular laboratory ultrasound-based, duplex ultrasoundcolor flow, and modern duplex scanners in blood flow velocitiesduplex, combination of Doppler and B-modecarotid and vertebral-artery duplex scanning...
Volume flow, as the product of the mean blood flow velocity by the cross sectional area, means an interesting hemodynamic pattern that can be calculated by duplex. objective. To quantify the severity of venous insufficiency using the correlation between the volume flow in the common femoral vein ...
FRAMED Infrainguinal Venous Bypass Versus Conventional Autologous Bypass Trial No drug interventions treatment Not Available recruiting NCT02900274 "All Comers" Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) With Multi-LOC for flOw liMiting Outcomes (LOCOMOTIVE Extended) No drug interventions Not Available Not Av...
Comparison of spiral CT angiography vs digital subtraction angiography in the evaluation of living kidney donors Spiral CT angiography performed as an outpatient procedure is less invasive, less expensive, and provides good images of the arterial and venous anatomy in... S Kumar,M Tharakan,N Chack...
A publicly available article also appearing in PubMed about Peripheral Arterial Duplex Assessment, Protocols, and Interpretation
Peripheral thromboembolism was diagnosed as sudden peripheral ischemia, proven by duplex scanning, angiography, surgery, or autopsy. To weigh the severity of different untoward events, we adjudicated all outcome events as serious, life threatening, or fatal. Cerebrovascular accidents (ischemic and ...
Because of the absence of in-stent restenosis at the CFA level, venous bypasses were performed between the profunda femoris artery and the below-knee popliteal artery. In case of in-stent restenosis, the CFA stent should be removed by performing a CFA endarterectomy. Endovascular repair of CFA ...
Elevated risk of peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD) in nilotinib treated chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients assessed by ankle-brachial-index (ABI) and duplex ultrasonography. 54th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition 2012; (abstract 914). Saglio G, Kim DW, Issaragrisil S,...
However, owing to the mixed arterial and venous vascular diseases in that study, the rest temperature gradient needed further investigation in pure arterial occlusive patients. Because most varicose veins occur in the calf, we focused on the temperature changes in the sole in our study. Dynamic ...
arterial and venous duplex scanningnoninvasive vascular laboratory and vascular surgerymodern vascular laboratory ultrasound‐based, duplex ultrasoundcolor flow, and modern duplex scanners in blood flow velocitiesduplex, combination of Doppler and B‐modecarotid and vertebral‐artery duplex scanning...