书名:Artemis Fowl 8-book Box Set阿特米斯奇幻历险8册盒装 读物对象:9-11岁 作者:Eoin Colfer 出版社名称:Puffin 出版时间:2020 语种:英语 ISBN:9780241421925 商品尺寸:每册约12.9 x 19.8 cm 包装:盒装 页数:约320-368页/册x 8册(以实物为准) 《阿特米斯》系列是爱尔兰作家欧因•科弗创作的一...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现现货 The Time Paradox (Artemis Fowl, Book 6) 英文原版 阿特米斯奇幻历险 第六册:时间的悖论 奇幻冒险故事儿童书籍的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于现货 The Time Paradox
在淘宝,您不仅能发现阿特米斯奇幻历险8册盒装 Artemis Fowl 8 book Box Set Eoin Colfer 英文原版 欧因科弗 科幻冒险推理畅销小说 英文版进口英语书的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于阿特米斯奇幻
Artemis Fowl: Book 1 The Arctic Incident: Book 2 The Eternity Code: Book 3 The Opal Deception: Book 4 The Lost Colony: Book 5 The Time Paradox: Book 6 The Atlantis Complex: Book 7 The Last Guardian: Book 8 The Fowl Twins: Book 1 The Fowl Twins: Book 2: Deny All Ch...
By: Disney Book Group Art and Making of Artemis Fowl By: Brian Sibley Artemis Fowl: Guide to the World of Fairies By: Andrew DonkinIllustrated By: Gonzalo Kenny Graphic Novels Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel (New) By: Eoin Colfer, Michael MoreciIllustrated By: Stephen Gilpin ...
阿特米斯奇幻历险 英文原版 Eternity Code (Artemis Fowl, Book 3) 第三册:永恒的密码 奇幻冒险故事儿童书籍 作者:Eoin Colfer出版社:Hachette Book Group出版时间:2018年11月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥65.00 配送至 上海 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中图上海进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
Eoin Colfer describes his new book, Artemis Fowl, as "DieHard with fairies." He's not far wrong.Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is the most ingenious criminal mastermind inhistory. With two trusty sidekicks in tow, he hatches a cunning plot to divestthe fairyfolk of their pot of gold. Of...
Artemis Fowl, Book 1: Artemis Fowl 阿特米斯奇幻历险1:精灵的赎金 作者 Eoin Colfer著 出版社 Disney 出版时间 2009年6月 第1版 ISBN 9781423124528 定价 77.00 内容简介 Twelve-year-oldArtemisFowlisamillionaire,agenius-and,aboveall,acriminalmastermind.ButevenArtemisdoesn'tknowwhathe'stakenonwhen...
Artemis Fowl-book 1 493 下载订阅分享 Artemis Fowl is a child genius from Ireland who has dedicated his brilliant mind to criminal activities. When Artemis discovers that there are fairies living below ground, he sees it as a golden opportunity. Now there is a whole new species to trick and...