Artemis Fowl, a boy genius who wanted to have lots of money to spend, after the loss of his father, he became more anxious to have his part of the gold. At the age of twelve, he already became a criminal mastermind. And here is his europeain bodyguard, butl... (展开) 1 0回应...
Exodus学英语记创作的外语有声书作品Artemis Fowl-book 1,目前已更新11个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter 9 (END)。ArtemisFowlisachildgeniusfromIrelandwhohasdedicatedhis...
Eoin Colfer describes his new book, Artemis Fowl, as "DieHard with fairies." He's not far wrong.Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is the most ingenious criminal mastermind inhistory. With two trusty sidekicks in tow, he hatches a cunning plot to divestthe fairyfolk of their pot of gold. Of...
Artemis Fowl, Book 1: Artemis Fowl 阿特米斯奇幻历险1:精灵的赎金 作者 Eoin Colfer著 出版社 Disney 出版时间 2009年6月 第1版 ISBN 9781423124528 定价 77.00 内容简介 Twelve-year-oldArtemisFowlisamillionaire,agenius-and,aboveall,acriminalmastermind.ButevenArtemisdoesn'tknowwhathe'stakenonwhen...
Artemis Fowl: Book 1 The Arctic Incident: Book 2 The Eternity Code: Book 3 The Opal Deception: Book 4 The Lost Colony: Book 5 The Time Paradox: Book 6 The Atlantis Complex: Book 7 The Last Guardian: Book 8 The Fowl Twins: Book 1 The Fowl Twins: Book 2: Deny All Ch...
3010 Artemis Fowl(全) by:One5640856095 493 Artemis Fowl-book 1 by:Exodus学英语记 31.3万 Artemis Fowl 全8册 by:AshleyMCY 231 畅销书Artemis Fowl by:LoveEnglish爱英语 3.4万 Artemis Fowl阿特米斯奇幻历险 by:可乐果子 2470 Artemis Fowl阿特米斯奇幻历险 by:少儿英语大师 2.1万 Artemis Fowl阿特米斯奇...
Artemis Fowl, a boy genius who wanted to have lots of money to spend, after the loss of his father, he became more anxious to have his part of the gold. At the age of twelve, he already became a criminal mastermind. And here is his europeain bodyguard, butl... (展开) 1 0回应...
728 《Chapter1》 by:不是思肄 225 Love Chapter-Safaree by:嘻哈有态度 2240 Claire读Chapter books by:想念FM 686 Another Chapter-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 136 Chapter IV-Triffaz by:影视原声乐 1381 雅思王Chapter8 by:西点国际教育 425 Chapter Two-Jpl DaPoet by:嘻哈有态度 78 Chapter 1-Da Great by...
Eoin Colfer describes his new book, Artemis Fowl, as "DieHard with fairies." He's not far wrong.Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is the most ingenious criminal mastermind inhistory. With two trusty sidekicks in tow, he hatches a cunning plot to divestthe fairyfolk of their pot of gold. Of...
出版时间 2009年6月 第1版 ISBN 9781423124528 定价 77.00 内容简介 Twelve-year-oldArtemisFowlisamillionaire,agenius-and,aboveall,acriminalmastermind.ButevenArtemisdoesn'tknowwhathe'stakenonwhenhekidnapsafairy,CaptainHollyShortoftheLEPreconUnit.Thesearen'tthefairiesofbedtimestories;thesefairiesarearmedand...