所属专辑:Bookcast 声音简介 本书主要探讨了如何摆脱负面情绪,获得内心的平静与自由。它从三个方面展开论述:1)放手(Letting Go)的艺术,包括控制与放手、非评判性思维、自我疏离等技巧;2)打破负面循环(Breaking the Chains of Negativity),包括克服内在批评、转变完美主义,以及如何处理不必要的精神负担;3)超越伤害(Mo...
relationship. Those who have evaded this painful state of confusion are perhaps unique in this day and age. For those who are living through the experience of separation,The Art of Letting Gocan bring solace, understanding, strength and the building blocks necessary to return to happiness in ...
Beliefs Without Borders: Pathway To A New Future Book1 by Carlino Giampolo is a collection of powerful and memorable beliefs intended to inspire its readers to seek to create a new world of greater love and peace. Each belief is presented in English, together with a translation into the ...
Build confidence for learning the Japanese language with the exciting method used in this book. The fundamental building blocks for speaking the Japanese language are theverbforms. Carlino Giampolo has devised a simple, practical, and entertaining way to help you to remember many of the indispensabl...
【Billboard】2013年的11月11日,Mariah Carey在Facebook上释出单曲《The Art Of Letting Go》🧡🧡🧡#mariahcarey# 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-11-11 00:10回复 nhnmsk 除美天后 9 牛姐封面好看的 来自iPhone客户端6楼2020-11-11 00:19 收起回复 狂想...
The result is a wide range of free downloadable resources, immersive online courses, interactive workshops, tailored mentoring/executive coaching, a best-selling book-Conscious Coaching-and consulting. Our work started in the world of elite sport and has since spread to those who understandeverything...
Comic book collector learns fine art of letting goMARTHA IRVINE
Letting Go Letting go, by contrast, involves releasing, relaxing, opening, and accepting. Eastern philosophies and disciplines suggest that letting go allows us to function like empty vessels, allowing the vital currents of life to flow through us. In such a state, one doesn’t force action or...