Ars poetica翻译过来就是 "The Art of Poetry" 诗歌的艺术,通常中译为《诗艺》亦有翻译成《诗论》。桂冠诗人麦克利什精通于现代诗歌理论,亦以这个题目创作了自己的诗艺,作品精湛地写出了诗歌要义,令这首诗蜚声海内外。 引者多年前亦翻译过麦克利什这首名作,这里介绍三位不同中译者的版本。唯一需要说明的是麦克利什...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. I would like to translate this poem Poems By LeeAnn Azzopardi The Wind Dancer Listening To The Stones Living In Harmony Is What I Dream Of What About The Children Ars Poetica See All Poems by LeeAnn Azzopardi Next...
A poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit, Dumb As old medallions to the thumb, Silent as the sleeve-worn stone Of casement ledges where the moss has grown— A poem should be wordless As the flight of birds. 一首诗 当如浑圆之果 显而不彰 如拇指抚过旧日勋章 寂然无声响 ...
丽塔.德芙/作 到唯一体面的餐馆三十英里远 不算什么,眨下眼而已, 怀俄明长时间瞪视眼睛都呆滞了。 半路上那个不知名但极其 重要的散文作家大喊:停! 我就呆这了;然后步行 十五码到了那片土地, 很快天阴沉下来,他跑回来, 喊着耶稣哪——那外面一无所有! 我曾遇见一位澳大利亚小说家, 他告诉我他从来不学做饭,...
Ars Poetica BYArchibaldMacLeish A poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit, Dumb As old medallions to the thumb, Silent as the sleeve-worn stone Of casement ledges where the moss has grown -- A poem should be wordless As the flight of birds. A poem should be motionless in ...
离开,当月亮释放 一根一根的树枝被夜晚缠绕的树, 离开,就像冬天的月亮离开, 记忆由记忆到头脑 诗应该静止不动 当月亮爬升。 * 一首诗应该等于: 不正确的。 为所有悲伤的历史 空荡荡的门口和一片枫叶。 为爱 倾斜的草和海面上的两盏灯 一首诗不应该意味着 ...
A poem should be equal to:Not trueFor all the history of griefAn empty doorway and a maple leafFor loveThe leaning grasses and two lights above the sea -诗应当咋一看纹丝不动好像月亮爬上天空,脱身飞出,好像月亮一枝枝解开缠绕着夜色的树。脱身飞出,好像冬夜树叶后的明月抛开一段段的记忆——诗...
A poem should be palpable and muteAs a globed fruit,DumbAs old medallions to the thumb,Silent as the sleeve-worn stoneOf casement ledges where the moss has grown—A poem should be wordlessAs the flight of birds.诗应当摸得着,却不会说好像圆圆的水果,无语默默,好像大拇指把旧奖章抚摸,不作...
Ars Poetica: Poems on Poetry 2018 - Jill Ricci Susanna Lang Ars Poetica My memory is loose, our dry cleaner says, emerging from the racks of shirts wrapped in plastic. It is the morning...
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