3. R arrange() Descending Order By default, dplyr’s arrange() function orders in ascending order however, you can change this in R and arrange the dataframe in descending/decreasing order by using the desc() function. The desc() takes the column name as an argument and orders the values...
创建一个dataframe ,这里用的数据是R自带的 df<-mtcars image.png 对数据降序排列 df2<-dplyr::arrange(mtcars, cyl, disp) 使用dplyr ::arrange(mtcars, cyl, disp),默认是升序排序,并且该方法不会改变数据框列的排列,可以指定多个值进行排序,这里我们指定cyl和disp两个值 image.png 对数据降序排序 df3<-...