[Sysname] arp source-suppression enable
1.1.4 arp source-suppression enablearp source-suppression enable命令用来开启ARP源地址抑制功能。undo arp source-suppression enable命令用来关闭ARP源地址抑制功能。【命令】arp source-suppression enableundo arp source-suppression enable【缺省情况】ARP源地址抑制功能处于关闭状态。
1.1.4 arp source-suppression enablearp source-suppression enable命令用来开启ARP源地址抑制功能。undo arp source-suppression enable命令用来关闭ARP源地址抑制功能。【命令】arp source-suppression enableundo arp source-suppression enable【缺省情况】ARP源地址抑制功能处于关闭状态。
The arp-suppress enable command enables ARP suppression on a device. Format arp-suppress enable Parameters None Views System view Default Level 2: Configuration level Task Name and Operations Task NameOperations arp write Usage Guidelines This command is available to aid upgrade compatibility. It...
The arp-suppress enable command enables ARP suppression on a device. Format arp-suppress enable Parameters None Views System view Default Level 2: Configuration level Task Name and Operations Task NameOperations arp write Usage Guidelines This command is available to aid upgrade compatibility. It...
multicast-suppression 5 unicast-suppression 5 port link-type access port default vlan 110 bpdu enable port-isolate enable ntdp enable ndp enable # return b,interface Ethernet0/0/6进入交换机端口视图 c,display this查询该端口目前的配置情况,可以看到,该端口没有添加任何带宽限制规则,即说明目前机器是百兆...
接口发生MAC地址漂移后,设备会自动触发广播和未知单播的流量抑制,使得发生漂移的出接口转发速率为入接口带宽的1%,用户可以执行storm suppression mac-address flapping命令使接口下MAC漂移联动流量抑制的阈值按照cir进行灵活的配置,并可以使报文强制按照MAC漂移联动流量抑制的阈值进行转发。
When using the same HSRP addresses in both DCs but blocking the HSRP exchange, ARP still detects these duplicate configuration and writes log messages. There obviously is a feature to suppress this but I do not find any reference how to enable it. ...
In centralized VXLAN environments with ARP and ND suppression, if the SVIs on the leafs but do not have an IP address within the subnet, problems with the Duplicate Address Detection process on Microsoft Windows hosts occur. For example, in a pure layer 2 scenario or with SVIs that have ...