1.1.4 arp source-suppression enablearp source-suppression enable命令用来开启ARP源地址抑制功能。undo arp source-suppression enable命令用来关闭ARP源地址抑制功能。【命令】arp source-suppression enableundo arp source-suppression enable【缺省情况】ARP源地址抑制功能处于关闭状态。
1.1.4 arp source-suppression enablearp source-suppression enable命令用来开启ARP源地址抑制功能。undo arp source-suppression enable命令用来关闭ARP源地址抑制功能。【命令】arp source-suppression enableundo arp source-suppression enable【缺省情况】ARP源地址抑制功能处于关闭状态。
[Sysname] arp source-suppression enable
Run the display arp anti-attack configuration [ arpmiss-speed-limit | arpmiss-rate-limit ] command in the user view to check configuration of ARP Miss rate suppression. Run the arp-miss speed-limit source-ip [ ip-address ] maximum maximum command in the system view to configure the maximum...
Source Ip address Indicates source IP addresses. Destination Ip address Indicates the destination IP address. VPN-Instance name Indicates the VPN instance name. Impact on the System View the type of packets configured with timestamp suppression in trap messages. If ARP packets are configured wit...
enable, enabling the ARP gateway conflict to defend against attack. Six, configure ARP text source suppression function background information In order to prevent a large number of ARP packets from increasing the load of CPU and occupying a large amount of ARP ...
[SwitchA] arp source-suppression enable # 配置ARP源抑制的阈值为100(即当每5秒内的ARP请求报文的流量超过100后,对于由此IP地址发出的IP报文,设备不允许其触发ARP请求,直至5秒后再处理)。 [SwitchA] arp source-suppression limit 100 (2) 配置ARP黑洞路由功能 ...
In centralized VXLAN environments with ARP and ND suppression, if the SVIs on the leafs but do not have an IP address within the subnet, problems with the Duplicate Address Detection process on Microsoft Windows hosts occur. For example, in a pure layer 2 scenario or with SVIs that have ...