# 配置ARP源抑制的阈值为100。<Sysname> system-view[Sysname] arp source-suppression limit 100【相关命令】· display arp source-suppression1.1.6 display arp source-suppressiondisplay arp source-suppression命令用来显示当前ARP源抑制的配置信息。【命令】...
[Sysname] arp source-suppression limit 100【相关命令】· display arp source-suppression1.1.6 arp source-suppression rulearp source-suppression rule命令用来配置ARP源抑制功能的规则。undo arp source-suppression rule命令用来删除ARP源抑制功能的规则。
Speed-limit type Indicates the type of packets configured with timestamp suppression, for example, ARP and ARP Miss. Source Ip address Indicates source IP addresses. Destination Ip address Indicates the destination IP address. VPN-Instance name Indicates the VPN instance name. Impact on the ...
The number of ARP broadcast suppression entries exceeds the upper limit. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning EntPhysicalIndex Physical entity index SlotName Board name. Specs Maximum number of ARP broadcast suppression entries. SuppEntries Number of ARP suppression entries. Possible Causes The...
source-suppression enable 命令用来恢复缺省情况。 缺省情况下,关闭ARP 源地址抑制功能。 相关配置可参考命令display arp source-suppression。 【举例】 # 使能ARP 源抑制功能。 system-view [Sysname] arp source-suppression enable 1.3.2 arp source-suppression limit ...
The default Debian behavior (arp_announceis 0) sends gratuitous ARPs or ARP requests using any local source IP address and does not limit the IP source of the ARP packet to an address residing on the interface that sends the packet.
# 配置ARP源抑制的阈值为100(即当每5秒内的ARP请求报文的流量超过100后,对于由此IP地址发出的IP报文,设备不允许其触发ARP请求,直至5秒后再处理)。 [SwitchA] arp source-suppression limit 100 (2) 配置ARP黑洞路由功能 #在SwitchA上配置ARP黑洞路由功能(缺省情况,ARP黑洞路由功能处于开启状态)。
- What limit? I didn´t set that one. So let´s set "arp rate limit disable"? - What are normal values for "broadcast suppression" (for edge, servers,...)? - These messages aren´t informational only? 2. RE: The ARP packet rate(89pps) exceeded the rate lim...