Military timezone chart showing the zone names and codes for each UTC offset. Time Zone NameZone CodeUTC OffsetStandard TimeMilitary Time AlphaAUTC +101:00 am0100A BravoBUTC +202:00 am0200B CharlieCUTC +303:00 am0300C DeltaDUTC +404:00 am0400D ...
1. Figure 1 Flow chart of the study. Full size image Data collection Annually, the Army Institute of Pathology, Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences and 37 RTA hospitals provide health examinations for RTA personnel. A self-report guide was created using a standardized case report...
g. After a period of dieting and/or exercise for 6 months and except as described in paragraph 3–2_b_, Soldiers who have not made satisfactory progress and who still exceed the screening table and body fat standards will be processed as follows:(1) If health care personnel determine...