Army Body Fat Percentage If a recruit’s weight exceeds the maximum limit on the height and weight chart, the Army conducts a body fat assessment to determine if they still meet the Army’s standards. This assessment involves measuring the circumference of specific body parts, such as the neck...
Active Army and Reserve Component Soldiers exceeding body fat standards in table 3–1 (determined to be overfat), will be provided exercise guidance, dietary information or weight reduction counseling by health care personnel, and assistance in behavioral modification, as appropriate, to help th...
In addition to calculating the ACFT, the calculator also has a section to calculate Ht/Wt and body fat %, Semi-Centralized Promotion Points, and APFT. The Promotion Point Calculator has both pre and post 1 April 2023 standards. Along with the calculators, the ACFT Calculator has the doctri...
Army Body Fat Percentage If a recruit’s weight exceeds the maximum limit on the height and weight chart, the Army conducts a body fat assessment to determine if they still meet the Army’s standards. This assessment involves measuring the circumference of specific body parts, such as the neck...