新增: CoF:灰色挑战中有3个新的二进制点唱机事件。新增: 能够在平民存在模块中手动选择单位类型。该模块现在也被扩展可以使用mod单位,见文档(https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Civilian_Presence)新增: "arsenalPreOpen" 脚本化事件处理程序 - FT-T160993调整: 将AoW(战争艺术)和Enoch(Contact-平台)...
新增: CoF:灰色挑战中有3个新的二进制点唱机事件。 新增: 能够在平民存在模块中手动选择单位类型。该模块现在也被扩展可以使用mod单位,见文档(https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Civilian_Presence) 新增: "arsenalPreOpen" 脚本化事件处理程序 - FT-T160993 调整: 将AoW(战争艺术)和Enoch(Contact-...
GTA5GODLIKE Recruit 2 直接steam挂一个personal Arsenal模组,再挂个自己喜欢的武器模组,在剧情里就可以按u出现个人军火库调整装备了。 来自Android客户端6楼2023-01-03 06:57 回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈...
Update 1.42(Marksmen DLC) extended the Virtual Arsenal mode (LEARN>VIRTUAL ARSENAL) with a vehicle section. Clicking theGarageicon at the top of the screen will switch between personal equipment and vehicles. In this mode you can view all official and custom vehicles. A few statistics such as ...
Explore the Large Arsenal You have a wide selection for weapons and vehicles available in the game. You can also use mods on the best ARMA 3 game server and combine them to attack anywhere. Create Your World Existing scenarios and campaigns are great, but you can create your ideal gameplay...
我安装了mod武器包,在这个版本的游戏里面如何调出使用? 来自Android客户端6楼2019-05-07 08:53 回复 毛毛球97 Unknown 13 放置一个物件(任何物件都可)右键物件打开属性,初始化栏写入:this addAction ["<t color='#008000'>军火库</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}];这样可以赋予物件军火...
so they can be used elsewhere in the game and across sessions. You should only be aware that a load-out containing items from an inactive addon or mod, will not be available to load. Any scenario can set up equipment containers to open the Arsenal interface and let players pick their own...
N.A.P.A 3 弹药箱初始化:["AmmoboxInit",[_this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal填写上面这个代码就行了 5楼2018-11-11 19:12 回复 ihzhaoec228 N.A.P.A 3 我有个问题想问你看到回复一下 6楼2018-11-11 19:12 收起回复 原吧务qwq C.D.F 4 这个直升飞机是那个mod,steam上有嘛qwq...
With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportunities. Singleplayer Follow the story of Ben Kerry, a soldier who gets caught up in a Mediterranean flashpoint, across three gameplay-driven campaign episodes: Survive, Adapt, Win. Immerse yourself in ...
with over 20 vehicles to drive and pilot, 40+ weapons to pick from, customizable loadouts with short- and long-distance attachments, and various types of gear to suit your needs on the battlefield. With a massive arsenal at your disposal, Arma 3 moves you into a world of tactical opportu...