Open-source realism mod for Arma 3. Contribute to acemod/ACE3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Syntax: [object,weaponClasses,addItemsGlobal,arsenal] callBIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo Parameters: object:Object- object to which items will be added weaponClasses:Boolean,StringorArrayofStrings- weapon classes addItemsGlobal:Boolean- (Optional, defaultfalse)trueto add items globally ...
arsenal: Boolean - (Optional, default true) true to add Arsenal action Return Value: Array of Strings - all virtual backpacks Examples Example 1: [BIS_ammoBox, ["class_1","class_2"], false, true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo; Additional Information See also: Arsenal BIS_fnc_add...
Dragunov SVD Dp27 RPG7 APS NATO Arsenal M16 M1014 G3 MG3 M24 M1911 Colt LMG Explosives- Remote Bomb To detonate the remote bomb the player must use the remote detonator. You can also diffuse the bomb using the diffuser item. Vehicles Included- ...
Arma3_workshop_addon.jpg LICENSE ace_advanced_ballistics.dll ace_advanced_ballistics_x64.dll ace_artillerytables.dll ace_artillerytables_x64.dll ace_break_line.dll ace_break_line_x64.dll ace_clipboard.dll ace_clipboard_x64.dll ace_fcs.dll ace_fcs_x64.dll ace_parse_...
NATO Arsenal M16 M1014 G3 MG3 M24 M1911 Colt LMG Explosives- Remote Bomb To detonate the remote bomb the player must use the remote detonator. You can also diffuse the bomb using the diffuser item. Vehicles Included- Aircrafts F4 Phantom MiG 21 To control aircrafts you must hold the joystic...
Open-source realism mod for Arma 3. Contribute to acemod/ACE3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Open-source realism mod for Arma 3. Contribute to acemod/ACE3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Open-source realism mod for Arma 3. Contribute to acemod/ACE3 development by creating an account on GitHub.