Followed the normal spawn command - cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick'" 1 0 0 - but substituted after the game section for the mod item path. So became cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/MagicChainsaw...
The GFI code for Rare Mushroom is RareMushroom. Use this command to give yourself one or more Rare Mushroom. cheat gfi RareMushroom 1 0 0COPY gfi RareMushroom Part of Blueprint Path 1 Quantity 0 Quality 0 Item Blueprint? (0=No, 1=Yes) Rare...
The GFI code for Mortar and Pestle is MortarAndPestle. Use this command to give yourself one or more Mortar and Pestle. cheat gfi MortarAndPestle 1 0 0COPY gfi MortarAndPestle Part of Blueprint Path 1 Quantity 0 Quality 0 Item Blueprint? (0=No, 1=Yes) Mortar...
With the ARK spawn commands, you can spawn everything, whether it’s an item or a monster. The other ARK cheats are also usable, including the God mode that won’t let you take any damage. The key here is the admin commands ARK, and you can basically use it for anything you want....
The Taxidermy Tool is an item in ARK: Survival Evolved's DLC Extinction. Contents 1 Overview 2 Notes 3 Spawn Command 4 References Overview[] The Taxidermy Tool is used to collect the Dermis of any Creature with a harvestable corpse. Simply hitting a tamed Creatures is enough to collect the...
"ark asa rex spawn command"是指在方舟生存进化(ARK: Survival Evolved)这款游戏中,用于生成或召唤ASA Rex(一种游戏中的生物)的命令。在ARK中,玩家或管理员可以使用控制台命令来生成或修改游戏内的各种元素,包括生物、物品和环境等。 方舟生存进化中ASA Rex的生成(spawn)命令 在ARK中,生成ASA Rex的命令格式通常...
Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers No known creatures or tools gather Metal Ingot. Something missing? Add your ratings Dropped by No known creatures drop Metal Ingot. Weight Reduction 1 Magmasaur ▼︎75% 2 Argentavis ▼︎50%Recipe ...
Metal A lump of unrefined metal ore, mined from rocks usually found high on mountains, or in caves. Can be refined in a Forge. Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Magmasaur ★︎4.4 2 Tek Stryder ★︎4.3 3 Dunkleosteus ★︎4.3 4 Ankylosaurus ★︎4.2 5 Mantis ★︎4.1 6...
Item IDs are used to spawn items in Ark. Items can be spawned using the GFI code command. We offer a detailed list that serves as a handy reference for these IDs. All Item IDs Item IDs by DLC BaseScorched EarthAberrationExtinctionGenesis: Part 1Genesis: Part 2The CenterRagnarokValgueroCryst...
Item IDs — Use our item ID and GFI code list to search through over 1,000 Ark items and find the information you need to spawn them in-game. Use the settings to see an item’s spawn command, GFI code, item ID, or blueprint. Adjust the filters to view items from specific DLCs an...