3 (or Tek) Tek Grenade, Tek Rifle, Tek Railgun, Tek Sword Weapon quality options are the same as the options for armor, as listed above. Ark spawn item cheats (Image credit: Studio Wildcard, Snail Games USA) How to spawn items in Ark These commands allow you to give a specific item...
If you are looking for a high lvl then I recommend u to go snow biome it has the highest spawning location of rex there will be chances of a high lvl rex to spawn if it didn't then kill the rexes u dont want to tame and go far from that place wait a few minutes and there wil...
Tek Rex are among one of the few creatures that has all color regions. Keep in mind that Tek Rex doesn't shoot and use Element, it is almost identical to the Rex Bionic Costume. Before Yutyrannus released, the Rex could spawn almost anywhere in the snow biome on The Island map. In th...
Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Chainsaw ★︎4.9 2 Fasolasuchus ★︎4.4 3 Giganotosaurus ★︎4.4 4 Carcharodontosaurus ★︎4.4 5 Fenrir ★︎4.3 6 Andrewsarchus ★︎4.2 7 Direwolf ★︎4.1 8 Thylacoleo ★︎4.1 9 Yutyrannus ★︎4 10 Velonasaur ★︎4 Show 71 More...
Ghost Rex Ghost Surface Reaper King Skeletal Bronto Skeletal Carnotaurus Skeletal Giganotosaurus Skeletal Jerboa Skeletal Quetzal Skeletal Raptor Skeletal Rex Skeletal Stego Skeletal Trike All creatures will spawn on their native maps. ClubARK has received a spooky makeover! *...
Tek creatures - As stated above, they can naturally spawn up to 180 with a maximum taming efficiency of +89 levels and up to 88 levels after taming, making their max possible level 349 outside of breeding. Reaper Kings - Queens spawn at a maximum level of 150, but their offspring can ...
Skiff flottant TEK désassemblé ✓ ✓ ✓ Sniper Tek ✓ ✓ Selle Tek d'Astrocetus ✓ ✓ Selle Tek de Dragon Rocheux ✓ ✓ Selle Tek de Mégalodon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Selle Tek de Mosasaure ✓ ✓ Selle Tek de T-Rex ✓ ✓ ✓ ...
Decorative Ravager Saddle•Dino Bunny Ears•Dino Easter Chick Hat•Dino Easter Egg Hat•Dino Glasses•Dino Marshmallow Hat•Dino Party Hat•Dino Santa Hat•Dino Uncle Sam Hat•Dino Witch Hat•Parasaur Stylish Saddle•Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle•Dino Pumpkin Helmet•Thorny Dragon ...
by cascadingcaramel Earning Trust by nezuyu A beacon of hope by @TekARK_01 Reaper King by Azuresauru Last Stand by @WolfTek7 Snow owl by @k3zk627 Absolutely Beautiful by tkgoji230 Astraeos Base build Project by tikkytoktok Mug by frozen_soap Photo Mode by princecursed Antro family by...
Another great spot between the mountains is right next to the green Obelisk at (38.1, 13.0). With the water next to the base, you can have a good place to breed water creatures and spawn oil frequently. Redwood and Snow Mountains are among thebest base locations in Ark the Center....