Server is too Easy or Hard If after changing your server settings and it’s either too easy or hard, then switch around values until it’s suitable for you. For instance, editing the DinoDamageMultiplier option controls how much damage creatures have against players. Sometimes, our suggested ...
?ShowFloatingDamageText=true Use this to enable RPG-style popup text stat mode. -server ? ? ?ServerAdminPassword=passwort If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server. Also used to log in via RCON. -...
They dont like being too trapped (just won't tame). If you have room, place a 2x2 of behemoth gates to give them room to move around when attacking you. Bring plenty of Hemoglobin! I play on a 5x tame server. We are 10x tame right now for the Holidays. Even on 10x they are a...
?ShowFloatingDamageText=true Use this to enable RPG-style popup text stat mode. -server ? ? ?ServerAdminPassword=passwort If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server. Also used to log in via RCON. -...
back and forth from singleplayer to multiplayer. Mod the game, with full Steam Workshop support and customized Unreal Engine 4 editor. See how we built our ARK using our maps and assets as an example. Host your own server and configure your ARK precisely to your liking. We want to see ...
I already quit this game myself, server felt rather dead, not possible to do many events anymore, as well as aforementioned amount of farming. And they are still releasing artist in April, even more people are going to quit before it. So yeah, it seems that's it for western Lost...
After the server admin enables cheats, multiplayer Ark shortcuts require a few extra information strings here and there. If you have the admin password, use the 'EnableCheats ' command to start using cheats. Some cheats will require the prefix 'admincheat'. In singleplayer, you don't need ...
However, this will damage the creature, thereby reducing taming effectiveness and the amount bonus levels gained. It could also kill the creature if you aren't careful. Be sure they have food at all times. If they run out of food, their taming meter will fall rapidly until it reaches ...
Server Chat To Player ServerChatToPlayer <player steamid=""><messagetext></messagetext></player> Will send and show a message to the specified player <playerid></playerid> Set Admin Icon SetAdminIcon “true” or “false” Will add or remove the admin icon that displays when in the in...
Full Moon - helps players fill up Soul Stones to quickly enter Reaper Mode, and burst enormous damage in a short window. For those who want to land powerful strikes with big numbers while playing the Souleater, this engraving would be it. Dark Moon - is an engraving that does not use Re...