How exactly does this work? Just start the program, start ark, find a dino, say the command, get taming info? How would it work on a dual monitor setup? I usually have ark in my main window and the breeder program open on the 2ns monitor. ...
Reset OFFER TITLE RATING DELIVERY QUANTITY PRICE ASA PVE REX X14(MALE+FEMALE) adult 100%impning stats: HP21120(91pts) DM2054.5% (270pts)+124Saddle---Pair of each color(Kill BOSS in 5 minutes) Rex Lvl 3 bigdao Total orders: 4,814 ...
24 25 26 27 28 29 下一页 页数27 / 29 Members 42 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A ARK Volunteer PC Tester 293 Trader Feedback 000 Total RatingN/A 在2021/1/12 在 PM2点49分,olT3lo说: Would love it if you could add the option to add FTP information for ...
The Argentavis is the perfect animal to tame for players looking to get around the map at a much quicker pace. Since Argentavis is a flying dino, they have higher stamina and health compared to other more well-known creatures such as the Pteranodon. While they aren’t as fast as a Pteran...
2. There is a glitch where the stats melee and weight are exactly the same even though you entered different stats. What I would like to add is Ancestry and mammoth capacity. cb rebel,2019/03/05 Simple yet effective Swipe left to edit or delete Dino add new and simple as that. Does ...
If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another. Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up ...
If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another. Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up ...
iPhone 简介 Calling all dedicated Ark Survivors, Tamers, and Breeders! There are a few things no member of the Ark should be without: a bed, food, a water source, and knowledge of their dinos' stats! Ark Dino Stats is a convenience tools for storing the stats of your best and favorite...
You can actually do that, you just have to beat them all, wait like a day, then all bosses will reset. Either that, or someone ascends within that time, in which case it will reset the bosses instantly.” Red said. “That’s true. Okay. Let’s get the Theris in.” Sodden said...
Travelling like this is most well used in open areas where one can anticipate potential dangers before getting hit and having the charge meter reset, and where there is little chance of getting snagged up in rough terrain or rocks. Leveling Movement Speed will also make its charge faster. ...