Raising 2 gigas that made it to trough a few hours before going to bed. Upon waking the next morning to discover that they starved to death.I have raised a lot of dinos, We have 70 tek troughs and the base has been designed so that there are no spots where a dino could b...
9.26 Dino InfiniteBlink 9.27 DinoSet Cooldowns 9.28 Dino DontHideRiderDuringBlink 9.29 DinoSet Blink 9.30 DinoSet BlinkBack 9.31 Dino Inflate 9.32 DinoSet Inflate 9.33 Dino InfiniteGas 9.34 Dino Reset 9.35 Dino InfiniteFuel 9.36 DinoSet Fuel 9.37 Dino NoHeat 9.38 Dino ToggleUpkeep 9.39 DinoSet Up...
Ark extinction explorer notes locations Explorer notes are left by previous survivors throughout the map. Because your dino receives both the XP and the effect when you collect them while riding it, doing so is advised. Therefore, the prize for discovering them is doubled. If you discover two...
Love Potion - Skips over the mating interval timer for females so they can mate again instantly Super Crafting Potion- Gives you max crafting skill without having to do a mind wipe! Mindwipe Potion - Can be used for both human and Dinos, will also reset special levels like harvest on Ther...
Taming Affinity will not reset nor is Taming Effectiveness reduced when a wild Troodon takes damage. In fact, Troodons will always tame with 100% Taming Effectiveness (i.e. 50% bonus levels). Taming and Experience Multipliers do not seem to affect the Troodon. That said, the table below ut...
I’m unsure if the Gigantoraptor stats affect the range of its scan, but you can simply kill the targeted dino or leave the immediate area to reset the scan again at a better position. Since you need about ~20 targets to bond a high lvl dino, you don’t need to worry about ...
About being stuck, sucks, you can make yourself starve to death as you said which is far better than reset you game to start from scratch, but if your Dino gets stuck you can go to your stats screen and from there press on the tames and recall your Dino to you...
Added cementing paste to tek dino loot drops Added cementing paste to tek dino death harvest Greatly increase demonic megatherium swim speed Demonic Megatherium explosion slam no longer harvest bodies, but blows up rocks Rebuilt alpha and apex enforcer projectiles so you can aim them and they fire...
Thatch Gatherer: Though it's normal attacks will gather decent amounts, one can use the Ram attack to break down trees and gather very large amounts of Thatch in a short amount of time for a dino its size - without cluttering up its inventory with berries.In...
Dino Dossier revealed on 1/9/2017.[2] Equus can be ridden with or without the saddle. Real Horses are social animals that live in herds, which means real Equus were social herd animals. Ark's Equus can occasionally be found in groups, but they are most often found wandering alone. The...