We are beyond grateful for the incredible show of what can be achieved when gamers come together for a cause at this year's Extra Life Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser! Once again, your generosity has left us in awe, smashing our goal with an incredible$130,788during our 24-hour str...
This seventh year of participating in GameDay with ExtraLife puts us well over $400K raised and we couldn't have done it without the ARK community! We are grateful for our generous, supportive players, partners & sponsors, & the opportunity to help facilitate this endeavor. Here's a recap...
The August Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on August 16 at 12AM PDT (8 AM UTC) and is expected to last 15 hours.
LOCATOR_ERROR7+ 104 表示定位失败。 LOCATION_SWITCH_ERROR7+ 105 表示定位开关。 LAST_KNOWN_LOCATION_ERROR7+ 106 表示获取上次位置失败。 LOCATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_ERROR7+ 107 表示单次定位,没有在指定时间内返回位置。 @ohos.fileio (文件管理) @ohos.hiAppEvent (应用打点) ...
@ohos.multimodalInput.inputEvent (输入事件) @ohos.multimodalInput.keyCode (键值) @ohos.multimodalInput.keyEvent (按键输入事件) @ohos.multimodalInput.mouseEvent (鼠标输入事件) @ohos.multimodalInput.pointer (鼠标指针) @ohos.multimodalInput.touchEvent (触摸输入事件) @o...
LOCATOR_ERROR7+ 104 表示定位失败。 LOCATION_SWITCH_ERROR7+ 105 表示定位开关。 LAST_KNOWN_LOCATION_ERROR7+ 106 表示获取上次位置失败。 LOCATION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_ERROR7+ 107 表示单次定位,没有在指定时间内返回位置。 @ohos.fileio (文件管理) @ohos.hiAppEvent (应用打点) ...
Moreover, the straightforward and in-depth survival gameplay will certainly interest you. Find yourself roaming the islands looking for food, building shelters, crafting items, and try your best to survive. Your goals may seem quite simple, but as you get into the game, things will start to ...
Siege event schedule Mercenary Join Request Siege PvP Base Entry Deleted some content schedule categories that will no longer be shown. Siege category: Deleted Siege challenge request. Deleted Raid Match challenge request. Proving Grounds category: Deleted Co-op (moved to Fever Time category). Genera...
Phase 3: Cross Progression - Time frame: 2024 Cross Progression isn’t going to be enabled with Full Crossplay because we’ll need to integrate some forthcoming updates to the Epic Online Services system. We don’t have an exact timeframe for that because it’s out of our control, and th...
We don’t have an exact timeframe for that because it’s out of our control, and the integration may take some time. Plus, we’re still working out the kinks for how we intend to enable cross-progression for existing accounts, so we’ll share more on that la...