2.0万 79 01:41:28 App 【ARK: Survival Evolved,方舟:生存进化】2023-7-19完整版直播回放 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 增值电信业务经营许可证 沪...
1× Maturation 1× Egg Hatch 1× Mating Interval 1× Cuddle Interval 1× Imprint Small Tribes Since4 days ago 2/25/2025, 6:30:03 AM 2.5× Taming 2.5× Harvest 2.5× XP 2× Maturation 2× Egg Hatch 0.5× Mating Interval 1×
Argentavis Rex Therizinosaur Taming Top Pages this Week Dragon 1 Broodmother Lysrix 2 Megapithecus 3 Giganotosaurus 4 Wyvern 5 Tools Tribes Weapons Upcoming ARK Media ARK 2will be a survival sandbox and sequel toARK: Survival Evolved, coming 2022. ...
方舟生存进化2025最新版是一款可玩性极高的开放式生存类手游,它是以同名PC游戏《方舟生存进化》为蓝本所移植而来的手机游戏,因此在游戏中玩家们不仅能够体验原汁原味的PC端剧情,而且还能享受最新的武器、人物、大型生物等内容设定,若是加以手机版独有的操作方式,相信定能给予玩家们不同以往的生存体验! 方舟生存进化...
ARK: Survival Ascended is a next-generation remaster of our beloved ARK: Survival Evolved, harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5. It will be released on Xbox Series S/X, PC (Windows/Steam), and PlayStation 5 by the end of August 2023. The base game will include T...
ARK: Survival Evolved is a massively multiplayer action-adventure RPG developed by Studio Wildcard and with cooperation with several other studios. PlayThe game provides gamers with the visually stunning rendition of the prehistoric tropical island where they have to learn how to survive in a ...
Events Experience Engrams Farming Guides Inventory Levels Locations Mods Status Effects Supply Crates Swimming Spoilage Taming Tools Tribes Weapons Upcoming ARK Media ARK 2 will be a survival sandbox and sequel to ARK: Survival Evolved, coming 2022. ARK: The Animated Series...
FEATURES ● ARK: Survival Ascended has completely recreated and redesigned the artwork and worlds of ARK to take advantage of the latest in videogame technology, Unreal Engine 5, using high-end graphics features such as fully dynamic Global Illumination (“Lumen”), so that light bounces realistica...
ARK Surviv..这次方舟ios增加了很多模式,听小伙伴说,现在是一档难求啊,正好没事弄弄!上图大家看看!需要的请多跟帖,随时每天都抽幸运的回复者们!!!
Whistles and other attached sounds now play properly when riding dinos Emotes now work properly when riding dinos Fixed another exploit involving players getting under the terrain, and if you do get under the terrain somehow you will be teleported back above it. ...