One is deducted for every grenade launched via the flak cannon on its saddle. Gasoline Fuel, exclusive to the Tropeognathus, is the measure of how much Gasoline are left in its inventory. One (or more, depending on the speed setting of the saddle) is used every time the jet engine ...
Also, you'd be surprised how much file space the vanilla structure sets take up in the game! Don't worry console players, we've got you and your mod file space limits (mostly) covered! And of course, we can't talk about the Coral tier without mentioning how RexMyPet graduated from ...
Charge Battery•Element•Element Shard•Flamethrower Ammo•Gasoline Tools Chainsaw•Glow Stick•Hatchet(Stone,Metal) •Lasso•Metal Sickle•Mining Drill•Pick(Stone,Metal,Climbing) •Pliers•Taxidermy Tool•Torch•Whip Emplacements ...
This information can be used to alter the Mosasaurus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Mosasaurus's "body" magenta. Mosa...
Once the console opens, simply type in the following commands for each Gem: Gem TypeSpawn CommandAlternate Spawn Command Red Gem cheat gfi Gem_Element 1 0 0 cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Gem_Element.PrimalItemResource_Gem_Element'” 1 0 ...
Portable Grinder: While an Industrial Grinder is far more efficient, the Tropeognathus' jaws can be utilized to grind down materials into their relevant products, without the cost of Gasoline; Wood into Thatch, and Stone into Flint. (Bugged on console, currently)Carrying...
This information can be used to alter the Mosasaurus's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Mosasaurus's "body" magenta. Mosa...
One-time wipe of Item Traits due to an exploit that allowed players to get many of them unintentionally. Unofficial Servers can opt-into using these by using the server commandline: -ForceClearItemTraits Decay re-enabled v57.13 - Minor version for PS5 Clients- 12/20/2024...
“Everyone enter their Specimen Implant ID number into the console,” instructs Mary. With the personal information entered, Mary enters the address to Traska's Island. With a flash and screech, we find ourselves standing in front of the alter of The Island Green Obelisk. A strange looking ...
All of the event content will be added to the PC game at the end of the year's cycle of events so they can be opted into for our PC unofficial server owners and players. Our console players will be able to grab all event cosmetics from the Hex store!