Lazarus Chowder, Woolly Rhino Horn, Sweet Vegetable Cake, Absorbent Substrate, Black Pearl, Element, Ammonite Bile, Superior Kibble, Exceptional Kibble, Extraordinary Kibble, Giant Bee Honey, Quetzal Egg, Golden Hesperornis Egg, Achatina Paste, Carcharodontosaurus Egg, Gasoline, and Giganotosaurus Egg...
Gasoline Fuel, exclusive to the Tropeognathus, is the measure of how much Gasoline are left in its inventory. One (or more, depending on the speed setting of the saddle) is used every time the jet engine on its saddle runs out of fuel when attempting to jet. Wyvern Fire, exclusive ...
Fixed a bug where MEK modules would lose durability when released from cryopod Two new admin commands: cheat drainwater <number> and cheat drainfood <number> Fixed a bug where the Dedicated Storage Box would ignore stack modifiers in server config files Fixed a bug where caused Plant Z to...
Charge Battery•Element•Element Shard•Flamethrower Ammo•Gasoline Tools Chainsaw•Glow Stick•Hatchet(Stone,Metal) •Lasso•Metal Sickle•Mining Drill•Pick(Stone,Metal,Climbing) •Pliers•Taxidermy Tool•Torch•Whip Emplacements ...
Hide Spawn Command Hide is used in 253 recipes Admin Blink Rifle Allosaurus Saddle Amargasaurus Saddle Andrewsarchus Saddle Ankylo Saddle Araneo Saddle Archelon Saddle Argentavis Saddle Arthropluera Saddle Ballista Turret Baryonyx Saddle Base Boots Clothing Base Gloves Clothing Base Pants Clothing Base Shir...
Gasoline DefaultItem Resource Hide DefaultItem Resource Metal DefaultItem Resource Obsidian DefaultItem Resource Oil DefaultItem Resource Pearl DefaultItem Resource Sparkpowder DefaultItem Resource Stone DefaultItem Admin Item TEK ATV DefaultItem Resource ...
Obsidian is a resource in ARK: Survival Evolved. It is found in caves and on mountains in smooth, black rocks. Whitesky Peak and Volcano have rich amounts of obsidian rocks at and around the summit. However smaller amounts of black obsidian rocks can be
Fixed crafting Element-Imbued Gasoline in the Megalab Fixed multiple exploits v57.14 - Minor version for Servers- 12/20/2024 Fix for a server crash when a specific dino ran out of stamina. v57.12 (v57.12 Steam Clients) - Major version for Servers and Clients - 12/20/2024 ...
- Added admin commands - RainDinos - RainDanger - RefillStats - GiveArmorSet - GiveWeaponSet - GiveItemSet - ClearMyBuffs 280.130 - Raise Scorched Earth consumable lifetime to 90% from 30% of default - Added Titano spawns to Scorched Earth ...
Fixed crafting Element-Imbued Gasoline in the Megalab Fixed multiple exploits v57.14 - Minor version for Servers- 12/20/2024 Fix for a server crash when a specific dino ran out of stamina. v57.12 (v57.12 Steam Clients) - Major version for Servers and Clients - 12/20/2024 ...