TWO of the more sophisticated arguments against Michael Behe’s irreducible complexity (IC) are as follows: Equivocation— Behe is equivocating between two different meanings of IC, a purely theoretical one that doesn’t care about the evidence, and an empirical one that says existing adaptations ...
According to a more recent version of the argument, known as intelligent design, biological organisms display a kind of complexity (“irreducible complexity”) that could not have come about through the gradual adaptation of their parts through natural selection; therefore, the argument concludes, ...
Taking into account that 𝜅(𝑛+1)𝑖=∑𝑁𝑗=1𝐴𝑖𝑗𝜅(𝑛)𝑗κin+1=∑j=1NAijκjn, we obtain the following infinite sequence of irreducible row-stochastic transition matrices defining possible random walks subject to the CNE in G [4,14], viz., 𝑊(𝑛)𝑖𝑗=𝐴...