so these woods don’t have any.” The fallacy of ignorance has its flip side: “Because my theory has never been disproved, it must be true.” Just about any superstition falls under this fallacy.
Keeping this mind, students should remember that arguments from the negative are bad, arguments from the positive must automatically be good. Appeal to a Lack of Evidence (Argumentum Ad Ignorantium, literally “Argument from Ignorance”): Appealing to a lack of information to prove a point, or...
先行谬误The Fallacy of Antecedent:假设某事在过去有效,在未来也会继续有效。 谬误例子:我不会减速的,因为我之前没出交通事故,所以之后也不会出。 比喻谬误:The False Analogy 谬误例子:我是一个成功的商人。 选我当市长,我就能管理一个成功的城市。 单位谬误:The Unit Fallacy 谬误例子:公司把洗涤剂装在一个大...
Presumptive reasoning […] is closely related to a type of argument called the argumentum ad ignorantiam (argument from ignorance ), traditionally held to be a fallacy. However, arguments from ignorance are not always fallacious. In many cases, absence of knowledge to prove a proposition constitu...