10、诉诸无知 Appeal to ignorance 11、循环论证 Circular argument 12、沉没成本谬误 Sunk cost fallacy 13、因果谬误 Causal fallacy 14、诉诸同情 Appeal to pity 15、诉诸伪善 Appeal to hypocrisy / tu quoque fallacy 逻辑谬误的实例 如何避免使用逻辑谬误 TIPS 1. 什么是逻辑谬误? TIPS 2. 为什么人们要...
2. Appeal to Authority Fallacy(权威谬误) 这种谬误是基于权威人士的观点而不是事实或逻辑来支持某个观点。例如: '我的医生说这种药是最好的,所以我会服用它。' 3. Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy(无知谬误) 这种谬误是基于缺乏证据来证明某个事情或观点是正确的,或者缺乏证据来证明它是错误的。例如: '没有人...
Appeal to ignorance fallacy examples can include abstractions, the physically impossible to prove, and the supernatural. For example, someone says that there's life in the universe because it hasn't been proven tonotexist outside of oursolar systemor that UFOs have visited Earth. Perhaps a pers...
智商不可能受到基因的影响的,因为如果这是真的话,这就会给政府一个借口来阻止低智商人群繁殖了。 (9)反推谬误 (appeal to ignorance fallacy): 错误地假定一个声称是正确的,仅仅因为没有人能证明它是错的。 没有科学家可以解释所有超自然事件是错误的,所以超自然事件很有可能是存在的。 (10)自然主义谬误 (nat...
appeal to ignorance fallacy example Example: "No one has ever been able to prove definitively that extraterrestrials exist, so they must not be real." "No one has ever been able to prove definitively that extra-terrestrials do not exist, so they must be real." ...
Logic fallacy is divided into formal logic, false logic and non formal logic fallacy.Formal logic fallacy refers to the logical fallacy resulting from reasoning, deduction and argument without formal logic reasoning rules:Negative antecedent fallacy: "if A is then B; non A; so non B"."Example:...
13、诉诸无知 Appeal to ignorance Just because noboday has proved that P is true, it does not follow that P is false. 不能仅仅因为没有人证明P是正确的,就推断P是错误的。 例如:迄今为止没有人见过或证明外星人是存在的,我们不能就此推断出...
10 Appeal to ignorance An appeal to ignorance is a claim that something must be true because it hasn’t been proven false. It can also be a claim that something must be false because it hasn’t been proven true. This is also known as the burden of proof fallacy. Example: There must...
fallacy COMMON FALLACIES IN REASONING 1. FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other.example: A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was ...
其实隐藏了两个问题。你给予其中一条问题的答案,并不一定和另外一条的一样。例如你有干非法勾当,但未必等于你还有继续。 诉诸其他支持(Appea ls to Mo tiv es in Place o f Suppor t)诉诸势力(Appealto Force)