Workflow Engine for Kubernetes. Contribute to argoproj/argo-workflows development by creating an account on GitHub.
Define workflows where each step in the workflow is a container. Model multi-step workflows as a sequence of tasks or capture the dependencies between tasks using a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Easily run compute intensive jobs for machine learning or data processing in a fraction of the time...
git clone cd flask-demo 这是一个使用 Python 编写的 Web 应用,我们可以使用应用目录的Dockerfile来生成这个应用的容器镜像,同时可以通过 Github CI 自动构建flask_demo镜像,CI 配置如下 # This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actionsname:C...
然后,在代码仓库中添加如下的 webhook 地址(其中,default 是 WorkflowEventBinding 所在的命名空间): https://argo-workflow-ip:port/api/v1/events/default/ 1. 小结 从上面的例子中,我们可以看到: Argo Workflows 以申明式的资源将 webhook 与工作流模板做关联,非常地灵活 we...
我们需要源码仓库的工作流自动触发部署清单仓库中的工作流,此时需要创建具有workflow权限的Personal access token。按照步骤 1同样存储在secret中。 person token 3. 创建 github workflow 该工作流由下面几个步骤组成: 下载源码到当前目录 登录docker hub 打包源码镜像并推送到镜像仓库 ...
例如:我们可以将GitHub Actions 的配置文件转为 Argo Workflows的文件,从而实现在不了解 Argo Workflows 的WorkflowTemplate写法的前提下,也可以把 Argo Workflows 作为 CI 工具。 下面的例子中需要用到 Argo Workflows,请自行安装,或查看这篇中文教程。 我们只需要将插件作为 sidecar 添加到argocd-repo-server即可。下...
There were times when quick/minor fixes were made to applications directly through kubectl without going through thegitworkflow. It was difficult for the rest of the team to know of such changes given that they were rarely communicated or committed to GitHub. Not to mention that the image tag...[workflow/ci.yaml]github:organization:rookoutallBranches:truetokenRef:secretName:github-tokenkey:tokentemplate:metadata:name:'{{ repository }}-{{ branch }}'spec:source:repoURL:<...
git clone cd data-on-eks/schedulers/terraform/argo-workflow You need to setup yourAWS credentials profilelocally before running Terraform or AWS CLI commands. Update the region and execute the following commands to deploy the blueprint. ...
git clone cd data-on-eks/schedulers/terraform/argo-workflow You need to setup yourAWS credentials profilelocally before running Terraform or AWS CLI commands. Update the region and execute the following commands to deploy the blueprint. ...