It must've smelled me coming or something because it snapped instantly, I felt its lip and the side of a tooth on the back ofmy hand then started barking with that real urgent type of bark, luckily it was on a short leash Within seconds I realized that was my lucky moment that ...
2: area 2, 5: area 5, 7a: area 7a, 7b: area 7b, 7op: opercular area 7, AIP: anterior parietal area, DP: dorsal prelunate area, LIP: lateral intraparietal area, MIP: medial intraparietal area, PIP: posterior parietal area, VIP: ventral intraparietal area, V6A: extrastriate visual ...
Taking the above into consideration, the specific objectives of the present study were to (i) compare Trichoptera at different levels of their organisation (species, assemblages, diversity metrics, functional groups) in three different storage reservoirs; (ii) determine the importance of different spat...
Other than the locations discussed above, this location was chosen out of interest, due to its high anthropogenic frequency. Its proximity to urban sources and heavy-traffic roads might also explain its high MP concentrations (Rimondi et al. 2022). A connection between the microplastic ...
mouth - the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening; "she wiped lipstick from her mouth" eye, oculus, optic - the organ of sight eyebrow, supercilium, brow - the arch of hair above each eye facial vein, vena facialis -...
Note: I received the product mentioned above for free using Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new...
We use the latest technology, techniques and materials to ensure that we are always up to date with the advancements in dentistry. We will make sure that you will have a pain free and pleasant dental experience and above all we'll strive to make sure that you are comfortable and well ...
To calculate basal area, assume that a tree is cut off at 4.5 ft above ground (DBH). Since the area of a circle is πr2, and since we commonly measure the diameter of a tree rather than the radius, we can substitute (DBH/2) into the equation, which then becomes: Basalarea(units...
R=T mod(p) Clearly, the support depends only upon [T ], and we can thus also use the notation sptp([T ]). With the above terminology we can talk about mass minimizing classes [T ], because (1.1) can be rewritten as Mp([T ]) ≤ Mp([T ] + ∂p[S]) for all[S] with ...
The Coast Guard in the Viet Nam war - Tuesday at t... Lakeview Place construction may start in June Master Gardener Plant Sale Friday - Saturday Shoreline churches gather for National Day of Pray... Crime in Shoreline week ending Apr 17 - police arr... Photo: End of the tulip festival...